
It’s an incredible podcast. The rest of politics is very good too.

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I’m enjoying “The rest is politics USA” with Kathy Kay and Anthony Scaramucci.


Anthony has a crush for Kathy Kay

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I have a crush on Kathy Kay :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Catriona Perry has replaced her on BBC USA


Cheers mate

The last episode of the Rest is History’s series on the French Revolution, “The Royal Family Escapes,” is the best episode of any podcast I’ve ever listened to

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Can’t wait. I’m about two episodes to catch up. The boys have put in a Tour de France this summer.


They talk a lot about Simon Schama’s book on the revolution, Citizens. I wonder if the pod will encourage anyone to buy it?

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@Fagan_ODowd has probably read it

The series on the origins of WW1 was really good.
Recording at Sarajevo was a neat touch.


Dunno if you need to be a member of the club to use the discount. It isn’t very well regarded in the academic history community but I’d imagine it is a fine piece of narrative pop history.


I’d imagine the academics are quite sniffly about history pods.


TBF I’ve read Holland’s Rubicon and it is suspiciously heavy on the narrative stuff. Definitely falls under the pop history section.

I preferred when they didn’t go into such detail. I preferred the shorter series. I’m not all that interested in the full backstory of an Austrian emissary to Moscow. Get on with it.

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Think it is pretty clear the long form stuff will be their future. It’s their most popular stuff by far.

Any opinion but their own is to be scoffed at.

I’ve listened to bits and pieces of this podder and the boys are very entertaining but not without their own prejudice… The private education and it’s Pro British empire outlook pours out of them a lot.

Russel Crowe on Joe Rogan. An hour in. Very entertaining, mainly focusing of Crowe’s early life.

Only started it. Up to the bit with the spider. Bit mad in fairness