
Any limerick men we can flood the polls for?

They list out basically every good hurler of the last 40 year so probably 1 or 2

i like Paudie Maher as a hurler, his ability in the air and durability are outstanding but he never has a particularly good centre back, far more effective at left half back.

Could be wrong but don’t think he played much at centre back on any of the Tipp teams than made or won All Ireland finals during his career, bizarre that he got picked there on that joke of a poll.

Give me Sean McMahon, Corcoran, Ronan Curran or Ken McGrath at centre back who were all consistent and dominant hurlers with bags of style at the position.


Good post. Paudie is not a great centre back and is often exposed there. The centre backs you mentioned are all better than him. Conor I Mahony was a far better centre back than him. His best hurling for Tipp has been at LHB where he has been colossal. If things were ran right he would be runner up to JJ for that position on this team.


Agree with all your points there.

I’d have Seanie McMahon as the best out-and-out centre back of that era. If you’re not putting JJ at 3, you’re putting him at 7, and you’re benching Paudie. Paudie had one good season at full back (09), but aside from that, all of his best hurling has been at 7.


What exactly is ‘the Sunday game era’ wasn’t it going since the early 80s?
Assuming we’re talking 90s on then you have to have JJ, Whelehan, Tommy and Corcoran

I’d put JJ at full back, Ollie replaces The Rock, Seanie Mc at 6, leave Corcoran at 2, even though his time was short there and he was very young he was the best I saw at that position,
Corcoran, JJ, Ollie
Tommy, Seanie Mc, Whelehan

Started in 79 I think. They were doing 40 years of it last year

Corcoran won hurler of the year in 92 playing a lot of his games from corner back.

He must have won YHOTY as well, did he? He was only 19 in '92 iirc.

so… about those podcast recommendations…

Adam Buxton has a load of interview podcasts. Just pick somebody you find interesting.

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Brian Carroll podcasts are very good. Doesnt interrupt. Very entertaining.

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Enjoyed the one with Whelahan



JJ on with Parkinson today was very good. Cody even let the mask slip a few times and showed a sense of humour.

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Wooly is a tremendous interviewer

JJ was always his favourite!

Car crash stuff yesterday

Read Liam’s autobiography tears back good read great man.

I’m after listening to Adam interviewing Johnny Marr there. Very enjoyable. Johnny is an alright sort