
One for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Just listened to the one with Paul Galvin.
Decent listen.

Ò Sè is a pure rogue. Alright sort imo.

Mackenna’s latest, Brian Hanley segment especially.

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Hanley is very good. Ken Earley had him on a few months back and he was really good then too.

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a Mungret man to boot

Only started this, this evening, Oliver Stone is very interesting.

A good guy.


I’m watching his history of America series at the moment. Very biased but very watchable

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Joe is doped to the eyeballs by the time he gets through here


Joe’s is the best podcast about by a distance.


I’m glad for him, because his comedy is utter shit.


I’ve never heard any of it. He’s a great MMA caller as well.

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Joe should probably have his own thread. There are some real gems among the 1500 or so available

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It’s not great tbf. I generally avoid any involving stand up comedians

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This is an excellent history podcast. Does some great stuff on the Ottoman Empire @Thomas_Brady. Well researched and presented.



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What would be the best ones to start off? I only ever listened to his interview with coach kavanagh. Thought he was a little bit too ‘dude’ and ‘bro’ to stick him for long

If you’re a 15 year old male then yes

Very much depends on the guest but he gets such a wide variety of interesting characters/crackpots on the show that they there is always a good one around the corner.

They’re way too long

They’re all different. Try david lee Roth, Paul stamets, mike tyson, randall carlson