
Listened to the first two episodes this evening, awful stuff altogether, I can’t ever recall hearing of Gibney and he apparently spent time down my way coaching. What a fucking animal to do that to innocent kids

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It’s beyond belief that Gibney was never held accountable for his crimes in Ireland. The judiciary and Susan Denham on particular let these victims down badly.

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Startalk, Neil Tyson. Available on newstalk. Excellent show


He’s back

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These lads are super

National Guard been called in now
These lads should clean house fairly lively

I’m not a great podcast listener these days. Find it hard to work and listen to them at the same time at the moment. I used to listen to loads.

This may have been mentioned here before (it’s out nearly 2 years), but I only started listening a while back, and had a long drive on Wednesday so got the first five episodes finished off.

Good stuff cc @mick_jones @Thomas_Brady


Ive listened to it, it’s not bad … If you havent watched Julian Temples doc on Joe, go check it out.

The last 2 Tommy & Hector podcasts have been very good.


Was talking to my daughter last week (aged 14). Asked her what she was listening to these days, she dips into what she calls old stuff. “I’m listening to the Sex Pistols” says she. I asked her if she ever listened to The Clash. “I did but they weren’t great”.


Haven’t actually seen it.

A friend of mine made a brief cameo in Let’s Rock Again, the documentary of Strummer’s last tour in the US, not long before he died. My friend was over on the J1 and got to get his autograph etc before/after the show


Clip her upside the head.

Delighted she has some taste.

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Gone down a rabbit hole here lads. ‘London Calling’ round 28’30

If you’re talking to her this week ask her about The Ramones

I think we are on The Smiths this week.

Loved it, first podcast I ever listened to

What about Dio?

What about them is right