
What about early 80s glam rock? Ffs

Tommy Hector & Laurita. Outstanding



The last few have been exceptional. The chats about drugs are priceless


I can’t remember, what was the description Tiernan gave to the amount of acid he took once in Galway?
Then the stuff that can be got up in Cavan, hilarious.

I listened to the Carl Frampton Anything Go’s podcast last night, he didn’t spare the McGuigans anyway!

He was talking about the time he went to a head shop in Donegal too In one of the more recent podcasts, very funny.

I suspect they are going to go too far and get themselves cancelled :smiley:
They are getting too comfortable and it’s really kicked up a notch since Christmas. Tommy doing the sex robot voice was top top stuff.


That was brilliant alright. I nearly assume most of it is made up but it’s likely true.

Was that the story of him running around on a morning after a gig? I was out for a walk listening to it roaring laughing

I was listening in the car on the way to Waterford. Garda check point outside dungarvan and I was roaring laughing at the magic mushrooms intro by Tommy when the Garda asked me was I laughing at her. I recommended the podcast and she thanked me and sent me on my way.

Anything go’s is the frampton podcast? Cant find it.

You can sense hector holding back at times thinking of his RTÉ work. But then he’d let rip and you’d know he was off his biccy in the middle of the story.

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What’s the cliff notes here Jay? Purely an argument over money? I always liked Frampton, seems very down to earth and a decent sort, a tremendous fighter.

He said he couldn’t go into the specifics of the court case or say that he ‘won’ as it was part of the settlement, but he did say he was allowed to state that he was very happy with the settlement.
He did allude to the McGuigans being good boxing people and Shane a very good coach but theres another side to them, he said he hates all of them and wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire!
It’s definitely worth a listen if you’ve a spare hour.

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Boxing is a dirty sport. You’d swear the Kinahans were the first scumbags to get involved.

They’re new money you see,the other dirty robbing bastards don’t want them involved as it’s less money for them.

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Speaking of which

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I’ve given this a listen to see what you sod busters are on about… The lady needs to calm down. I’m listening to Tommy here talking about not wanting to be born.