
Which episode is that? Can’t remember it.

It was on the third one … Gorting Lisbon

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I don’t know if they mentioned it but some people who took the drug used it as a way to tackle depression and anxiety …it digs up old demons and issues people have buried internally …a cleansing of the soul…then again others have died taking it .

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Give the Burren Munich episode a listen. Very good

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Yer wan was some wan for the shifting. I wonder did she ever cross paths with any forum members while doing laps of Coppers. ‘Step into my office…’

Noel Furlong deserves his own podcast. The only reason to listen to the 2 Johnnie’s.

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Joe Brolly’s bird?

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I’m working my way through them…


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That was the one I thought might land him in trouble. Plus the African accents

Hector asking him how you take up decking was brilliant.

3 Brazilians. From Gort.


Can you not just say pretty much what you want on a podcast, isn’t that the whole premise around them? If you want to listen to them you do but if you don’t then don’t.

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Well, it’s like anything, words come with responsibility - but if everyone is of an understanding what’s meant by them then certain shit can fly. We all know Hector and Tommy are being humorous …If the podcast was about inciting anti immigrant sentiment then that’s a different story. Everyone has free speech but you’re also responsible for what comes out of your mouth…I dont think many open sites would host a far right podcast.

Tell that to the Sinn Fein councilor

The story about yer wan falling off the pole in the bar and meeting her the morning after had me in stitches


Some craic last night hi! :rofl:


I hadn’t listened in over a year but I was interested in the latest Blindboy podcast, which is effectively a historical and sociological take on the hot chicken roll phenomenon, it was good, couple of laugh out loud moments.

If you absolutely despise Blindboy then it’s probably not for you but otherwise it’s quite interesting


I gave it a whirl… havent listened to him in nearly a year. 80s/90s kids will relate…

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Did he mention Baudrillard? He seems to have an awful horn for him

I’m terrified now to answer truthfully, should a schoolteacher know who Baudrillard is?

No… He’s a theorists… Cultural Marxist I think . I can’t recall him mentioning him. @caulifloweredneanderthal it was more about the evolution of Irish cuisine from the early 90s, where frozen pizza and Romantica were viewed as sophisticated… Through to the modern chicken roll.