
The storys from the Island were great to be fair.It must be a great place to live.I could really see myself living there

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Did you hear them trying to describe the plot of caliphate? ISIS start up a sort of gaeltacht in sweden etc. Ffs, the car nearly left the road

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It was great the way the state paid for him to prick around on an island for four or five years.


Cunts running the bank and insurance cartels in this country cost us billions compared to the few bob lads on the dole cost taxpayers.

It turned out to be a dacent enough investment in fairness. The fees for trinity would have cost more

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What the fuck do the banks have to do with that?

You’re whinging about paying some lad a few bob to be on the dole while the banks and insurance cartels are screwing you over every month for 1000s most likely.

Grand, welfare fraud is fine so, coz the banks.

Had he not saved £5k as well. I’d say that would have gone a long way back then living on an island. Would have helped the local economy. Fair play to him!

I know who’s fucking me over the most,and it’s not some lad living on an island getting the dole.

The state have paid you to prick around on your farm for much longer than that.

Your coddle doesn’t magically appear in your fridge.


Good podcasts on audible? @backinatracksuit @TheUlteriorMotive @gilgamboa @Big_Dan_Campbell @RaymondCrotty

I’m looking for good learning podcasts- history, politics, religion, sport , culture etc. Not really into true crime

I’ve listened to Hijacked Histories and David Suchet’s Questions of Faith.

Nicola Tallant has a new podcast out now, anyone listen to it?

She’s always on Dunphy’s The stand. I normally listen to her, think she’s pretty good.

One below on gut health you’ll like. I’ve not really listened to many of the podcasts.

The great courses pal. Dip in there.

Where are the courses? The app isn’t great for finding podcasts vs books and now vs courses. Each should have it’s own tab.

Found them through search

I listened to a couple of them during week. Grand when driving around. Hector has a lovely way about him, a real storyteller. Your wan from Mayo doesn’t add too much to it though.

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Basically a series of lectures on a topic by a university professor/expert. Its like a college course.

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