
If Larry O’Gorman was a retired boxer, I would say that interview should never have taken place. As it would be shameful exploitation of a boxer who clearly took too many heavy wallops to the head.

I enjoyed Diarmaid Sullivan’s one out of all so far strangely enough

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Sure we’ve all heard Dalys stories hundreds of times.

Yeah it’s worth a listen. He’s like a 90s ewan in full flow. I love listening to contemporary stuff like this years later to see how things turn out. Most of his predictions were spectacularly wrong anyway!
The other one with dunphy is good too talking about his drug use and drugs in the 90s in general. He has a good story about George best drinking himself to death but horrified that eamo might have a puff of a joint.
He’s definitely reinvented himself in recent years as more cuddly character. He was seriously arrogant and pretentious in a lot of ways in these interviews but far more interesting.

I must say I thought this weeks Tommy & Hector’s podcast was top class. Some funny shit in it.


The Barcelona yarn is top banter…reversing the charges.


Never listened to it before but the Cheltenham story from Hector was absolutely magnificent.


Arah it’s great stuff. Some honesty from Hector too on quite personal thoughts.

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Take that you North African CUNT


It’s a good show tbf.I enjoy it.They used my show title a couple of weeks ago.


What was that



I get the impression Tommy used be a bit embarrassed by Hector’s shtick over the years but has grown to appreciate him. I’d say his reports from Cheltenham for gerry Ryan were cringey enough. I can only imagine gerrys big jowely head egging him on.

I must tell the mother

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You can imagine Tommy getting phone calls from TV producers saying this luder keeps dropping your name. Do you know him?

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I’d say Hector forged his media career well before Tommy

I wouldnt say so. Tommy was horrifying gaybos audience on the late late a fair while ago now. He definitely became famouser quicker. Two very different men anyway. Their respective attitudes to Cheltenham tells a lot about them. Tommy far more the outsider hector ‘one of the lads’

The two lads are thick as thieves for a long time… Maybe was mentioned in earlier posts but they had a radio show together years ago.

Tiernan was famous before Hector alright. Hector is a grand lad. His travel shows on tg4 were v good.


It’s an awful pity Hanging with Hector was discontinued.

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Thick as thieves?Sure they were in the same class at school.