
Hector is an awful story teller. If he gets a laugh he labours the fuck out of a completely meaningless subpoint and forgets his trail of thought. Tommy would make reading the back of a Corn Flakes box sound like an absolute thriller. The Barcelona story was brilliant. Not like the other gobshites story about nearly ending up in Lourdes.


Ah he definitely was. Tommy was a fierce arty fucker at one stage. Before he started pronouncing his s as an ‘sh’ and his t as a ‘th’ he would definitely have thought he was too cool for hector.

They’re all at that, annoys the life outta me.

Yer one Laurita has started to imitate the two lads recently when telling a story.

3 cups and a pea :clap::clap::clap:

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It’s very affected all right for lads from Navan.

A good chat and wanking material for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

Joe is great value on those type of things but he’s in massive danger of becoming a figure of ridicule for his over the top bullshitting. The two boys were sneering him for a finish. Urine James comes across as a gent.

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I listened to doireann garrihy podcast earlier called laughs of my life… It was with yer man Conor sketches. It was very funny… Some good LOL moments… He is a funny lad

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Fucking hell

That was very funny in parts.

Who is Doireann Garrihy and Conor Sketches??? :woozy_face:

hector & conor sketches all the rage for the muldoons - deary me

What the absolute fuck is that?

it makes @Mac laugh

Ah lads… Jesus.

If you think them sketches are bad wait until you see poor Doireanns.

I googled her and a load of sisters came up…I’ve never heard of any of them. I presume Gil is pulling the piss.

I see Brolly’s politics are creeping into the Tommy and Hector podcast via Laurita

You reckon Tommy and Hector are easily swayed eh?