

How much of the money was recovered?

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Langer down in Passage caught burning it,Tom Hanlon,panic station

Few million in Cork, out ovens way

And weren’t the RUC caught with some stashed at their golf club ?

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:astonished: shocked twasnt AGS

I enjoyed Laurita talking about her aul lad this week on Tommy and Hector. Tipping away on the farm at 83, ateing chicken wings and Apple turnovers. Not a fuck given.


I wonder what auld lads make of delli food?

And randomly face timing accidentally on purpose

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That was a very good listen

A “pension” job for some as part of ceasefire?

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Some like SF councillors in Derry have been extremely well looked after ,and I mean well looked after as in houses across the border etc, managing-owning pubs,and other businesses,these are the yes men obviously,bit it is what it is,these are ALL ppl who never had a job or anything else’ up to 10-13 yrs ago,look up Peadair o Donnell’s, waterloo st,see who now “owns” it ,and who the last official owner was


Kitty’s field getting an honourable mention on this week Hector and Tommy podcast :clap::clap:

cc @Tassotti @Ambrose_McNulty


Woolly needs some new blood, Conor is a tough listen every week.

I don’t mind Conor at all,I think he’s quite good.Better than yer man from Meath anyways. Decent interview with Flynn last week tbf.

Ah he’s not terrible but I’m kinda getting sick of hearing the same voice plus he’s not much use for the hurlin which he’s admitted to be fair. Yeah it was a v good interview with Flynn.

You couldn’t be listening to the football chat

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The only talk about football should be about how to burst them

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Conan from Derry is gone from Wooly’s podcast I think. Got a job at Virgin.

He got the bullet from Joe

Unless there a good story about it, god no.