
Stacks and Barrs had lots of talking points.

Wooly going behind the paywall next month.

Yeah, just heard there. €5 a month.

To be expected. Without getting a wage like he had from Joe.ie the only way to make a living from it is a subscription model. Seems like the sponsor is only short term.

You’d imagine he’d need both, subscriptions & a sponsor?

Would he get 1,000 subscribers?

What were they?

Devanney and Ward won’t work for free.

Hmmmmm, think he could have given it another few months to build up the following on the new Pod.

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Would Wooly get a thousand subscribers?

He would in joe.ie click farm

There’s surely 20k regular listeners handy enough? Would you get one in 20 to pay? I’ll miss him when he’s gone behind a paywall, but I won’t miss him enough to pay. He’d want to up the production quality if he’s charging, the interview with Andy Boyle last week sounded was like Andy was trapped in a box

Could see him get a lot of listeners Feb-Aug but once intetcounty season is over could drop off

But how many would think to cancel subscription

That’s the beauty of it really, you only have to get them to sign up wance.


A tactic we have tried to use for our fundraising. Most people are loyal too.

I see Shane Stapleton seems to be going down the Patreon 5er a month route too.

61 signed up

305 euro a month isn’t going to pay many bills.

It’ll pay the basement electricity bill for starters.

You get a “shout out”

Each contributor get 100 an episode?

Need at least 1000 subscribers?

I’d say if you made it a euro a month you’d get a lot more income and could Jack it up then

It’s always, for “the price of a cup of coffee”, or “the price of a pint”.
