
With the greatest of respect, and I actually mean that, I think you’re just wildly extrapolating there to a whole other argument that has absolutely nothing to do with anything I said.

I posted a clip from Twitter on TFK and commented on it. That has absolutely nothing to do with the MSM. It could hardly be further away. What I was engaging with was in fact media in the 2020s which is the very point you’re suggesting people miss.

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Says the lad enthralled with British politics and leaders questions …

I spend a fair amount of time in the car so usually throw it on and listen to it over blue tooth or put on an audiobook from Audible. Beats listening to Mary Wilson, Matt Cooper, Joe Duffy, Aine Lawlor, Pat Kenny etc. Irish radio is truly the pits.


I’d say the lads who love Joe Rogan have never worked a day in their lives. Four and a half hours. Who the fook would listen to that? :grinning:

“The MSM”. :grinning:

One person does more than anybody to discredit Joe Rogan. That would be, em, Joe Rogan.

Poster @Sidney had his cards well and truly marked years ago.

They aren’t, they just tend have an ability to distinguish between whether something actually works or not and sharp business practice.

Nice comforting straw man though.

An eye closer surely if the expert is any use?

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There’s a pause button mate. And, believe it or not, you can listen to it over a number of hours/ days… Next you’ll be ostracizing people who listen to books on audible or watch Netflix series.

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Aye, you’d do well to find it.

No, it’s fairly straight forward and there plainly to see.

You said the minute was clunky. This clip is as you said incoherent. This is all people who attack Rogan use to discredit him. I was pointing to what these people and msm say you should cancel him without the overall context of the conversation. Anyone who does listen to him will tell you he often says you shouldn’t take his opinion as true, as after all he is a comedian and is not an expert in any of this. I’m just pointing out a counter argument to your point on it being incoherent as its only a one minute clip bit also highlight the flaw in the overall movement that want to cancel Rogan and have him deplatformed. I don’t agree with some of the things he says but it doesn’t stop me listening, agreeing or disagreeing with his points and making my own opinion on a topic

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You can disagree with a person’s opinion but doesn’t mean they are wrong, doesn’t mean they are right either. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be able to freely make an arguement. Sid maybe right :thinking:. Myself and yourself have disagreements but I respect that you can disagree with and show me why you think I’m wrong. This cannot happen if people are cancelled

The left are big on cancelling and silencing people they don’t agree with.


How the wheels have turned it was the right who used to silence people and burn books or send awkward people to prison camps. The left wing are more right wing than the right wingers. My head hurts from the mental gymnastics and hypocrisy

Joe Rogan, and indeed all podcasts, are optional

The lefties like free speech when they agree with it


Ok but Rogan pretty much doesn’t speak in the clip. The incoherence I’m talking about is from Jordan Peterson.

That’s not true. The TFK podcast is mandatory.

There’s serious rage in many left leaning people… Funnily enough, JP and Joe touch on this.


You should do one. Genuinely

@Tierneevin1979 vs @Cheasty with yourself and @Thomas_Brady moderating

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