
You’d have to go a long way to find someone as incoherent as JP here in his opening salvo. And poor Joe Rogan hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about.

It’s fascinating that people find this somehow insightful. He’s done very well for himself to make money out of it.


Long form interviews aren’t for lads reared on a heavily censored and manicured cnn soundbites, twitter titbits etc

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I doubt many on here were reared watching CNN and twitter tidbits but I thank you for your contribution nonetheless.


A one minute clip is enough to discredit the whole interview? That’s a neat trick

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I didn’t say anything about the whole interview. I specifically mentioned how incoherent he is in the clip I posted. It’s comically bad. I’m sorry if that’s an offensive opinion to you.

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Are you going to ask the same question next week FFS?


He’s really good on psychological stuff.
Which makes sense.

I’m not offended in the slightest, yet. Your second comments about insight and money making were surely not about a one minute clip?

Savage. It’s two lads just shooting the breeze… JP even says during the Chat that no doubt he’s got plenty wrong in the conversation. You’ve lads then forensically pulling it apart to be offended :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thats OK. I was just making an oblique point about how many are informed by simple short segments from biased media etc. I was trying not to focus on anyone in particular…we’ve seen how petulant some lads can be.

Is it genuinely worth listening to or are you on the wind up? Is yer man really funny or how do they sustain your interest over four hours? Why do people hate/love him so much is it more left wing/right wing stuff ? I’ve never heard him speak one word and have only heard Joe Rogan interview coach kavanagh

It’s an entertaining exchange of ideas on modern culture and the underlining psychology that drives behaviours.


Answer it and i wont.

Why is he so polarising? Outside the ‘some lads can’t handle it’ type veiled digs. He’s kind of anti PC/woke is he? He’s one of these fellas who if you come late to the party it’s hard to get any fair comment on him as everyone just either hates him or loves him. I’ll have a go at listening to it anyway

A one minute clip from a 4 hour interview is what fuels the people say its disinformation and conspiracy. These people don’t listen to the whole thing to get the context of the clip. The MSM piggy back on this and creates the snowball effect to try and discredit Rogan and his interviews. It was the same a few months ago when Rogan said 21 years don’t need the vaccine. What they missed was he said he was going to get it and said elderly and people with Co morbiditys should get it.

This is media in the 2020s. Hence why MSM has no credibility

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I don’t know where ye get the time lads.


“The mutual exploration of structures of truth through dialogue”… peterson considering why Joeis so popular . Essentially he says that joe acts in good faith, tries to further his understanding etc…which is what many people want for themselves
On the other hand many l like to form a persona…a simple coherent set of views which are socially acceptable, or can be seen as virtuous. Msm feeds this appetite…everything is black and white, you’re either one of the good people or one of the ‘other’. People who depend on this artificial persona get very angry and defensive if challenged or even threatened with gentle but genuine engagement. Meanwhile they are constantly being rewarded, congratulated and praised if they remain true to the cause or agreed identity.

There is a very interesting one with a professor of medicine from Harvard called John Abrahamson who authored a book called overdose America. He goes through some of the litigations that have taken place against Merck and Pfizer previously, how they skew data results from clinical trials, the nuances between relative risk reduction v’s absolute risk reduction. More specifically he looks at a Merck drug called Vioxx which caused somewhere between 40,000-60,000 deaths and resulted in $4.7Bn payouts to plaintiffs and a $1Bn fine. They removed people with cardiac episodes from their clinical results. Bexstra (a related drug) which is a similar drug (pfizer) was also subject to similar proceedings and another fine. They were both used to treat inflammatory ailments like Rheumatoid arthritis and control pain. Interestingly when there is a payout the information or data gets buried. What I found particularly disconcerting was that over 60% of FDA budget is financed directly by pharmaceuticals. Pfizer have been found to be in violation of the RICO act which carries triple the penalties and lead to custodial sentences. Of course no one from Pfizer ever had to spend a day in jail.

Quite why so called liberals are so unflinchingly trusting of pharmaceutical companies today is a peculiar one. They have been portrayed as the great white knights when they are anything but. Their vaccines have got us to a stage where they have undoubtedly prevented deaths and hospitalisations and allow us to get back to normality so they deserve great credit for that. At the same time they have been oversold and entirely unnecessary for the younger age cohorts of populations. Boosters will also be unnecessary and absurd proposition for populations that have had widespread infection in the face of Omnicron. 2021 was a bumper year for them. They may never have it so good again. Their share price may never scale the same heights again. So could it be they will push needless vaccine boosters in another mass vaccination cycle after cycle. Will governments enable them when public health officials furnish them with bad data. It will be interesting to see where the line in the sand gets drawn. Rogan has raised a mirror to the ugly pernicious nature of the pharmaceutical industry and their entanglements in politics. It is little wonder they are coming for him now.


I only dip in and out of Joe… He doesn’t push any particular viewpoint but he’ll give a voice to alternative takes which is a big no no to leftists. They hold the monopoly on truth you see…

The podcast with the sleep expert is an eye-opener.

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Anyone listening to that shit must have a very empty life.