
The pro Glenn Loovens woke mob got the TFK pod shut down.


Is that fella in the dickie bow a bit touched?

Cancel culture hit TFK before the MSM.

We may have crossed wires, yes Peterson isn’t making sense in the clip but again the same for peterson he does go on a lot but in one minute may not make entire sense. I haven’t listened to the whole podcast myself yet but its the use of short clips like that out of context is dangerous when cresting a narrative. Both Rogan and Peterson are polarising characters

*a lot of buts in there.

Not sure what the point of that Farming segment was.

Eye closer ?

I have an out there theory on the left leaning constantly outraged folk, is that they are victims of the lack of religion. This identity Is their religion and back in old Ireland they would be highly indoctrination unto the church and the morals of it. The irony is the are the same but mirror image of right wing religious fanatics. They very loud but do not represent what left leaning central normal majority, just like right leaning centre people. Some people are lost with the idea of being an independent thinking person who can have an opinion that is left on some issues and right on others, the space where a vast majority of people sit

They have revenge fantasies

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A lot of repressed ideas and emotions in that prototype is Dr Peterson’s clinical diagnosis.

It’s fascinating to watch it on here. Lads who have actually stalked women lecturing normal lads with wives and girlfriends and daughters about men being a danger to women. It’s a confession.


If we agree that those on both extremes are lunatics we’ll surely agree that left leaning centre people are just sounder than right leaning centres.

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Life isn’t as simple as leaning one way on all issues surely? If you’ve a predisposition than you’re clearly biased… It’s also hard to exist in the modern world without being some bit hypocritical. Even the most well meaning will have clothes or a phone designed and made in a sweatshop. Life is tough bro. Locking yourself down to an ideology makes it tougher. The key is to be flexible in your views cc @Bandage and to have a growth mindset. I’d argue the most sound people are those that are left on some issues and right on others. They’re probably dealing with reality rather than theory.

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I wasn’t minded to comment here, but seeing as I’m tagged…

I generally don’t listen to podcasts (“Things Bandage doesn’t do”). I have a flow chart that asks what am I interested in? My answer is invariably sport. The next question is what can I learn from the podcast on this topic? The answer is nothing because I have a level of intelligence and perception and enhanced analytical skills that mean I don’t need someone else to break down or preview a match for me. The next question is well is it entertaining then? The answer is usually no. Some of you may find some muldoons from Munster chortling and snorting away to themselves about bogstick entertaining but I don’t.

And as for those of you listening to 4 hour + interviews…good luck to you, each to their own.

I actually thought podcasts were mainly for work commuter types, but wfh has surely seen folk reduce the amount of podcasts they listen to. And as I allude to, they’re probably for the casual observer type that’s too thick to follow what’s happening unless it’s broken down for him (cc @Locke etc for sport) or completely deranged loons/zealots who want their mad worldview validated when it comes to political stuff (cc @Batigol).


Joe Rogan is one the greatest minds on the planet right now


Ah I’m flexible enough but would ‘lean’ ‘left’ on most major ‘issues’. If I filled out one of those online quizzes if say I’d come out SF voter or the likes. Id say you would yourself?

Yeah thats fair enough most people are within a large bracket compared to the loons but it’s the difference between a left leaning person and a normal FG voter. Left leaning are sounder than a normal person voting FG

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When I was wfh I listened to more podcasts. In the office is more chatting and 2 min xhats than long emails.

Deep down the leftists know that their ideology doesn’t work so they seek to scream and shout at anyone who doesn’t agree with them, cancel them etc.


Lads binge watching 8 seasons of a show about a warlock with a existential crisis sat on a couch ating crisps having a go at lads who listen to a 4 hour podcast over a few days while they work away or walk or travel


I find 98.3% of podcasts boring myself. At least with Rogan he’ll have on people talking about extremes in diet, fitness or endurance etc and it can be interesting to hear their exploits or what makes them tick. Joe is generally after what makes someone go to extremes or trying to understand mindsets.

I agree with you on sports podcasts. The beauty of sport for me is the emotion of it as it’s happening but I get some people are into stats and tactics so want to spend 18 hours a week listening to cunts waffling about nothing on this front.

Left wing ideology is a middle class outlook on life.