
Lads spending hours on twitter looking for graphs and tweets that agree with their outlook are lecturing lads who have a podder on in the background while going about their day.

The ironing.

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You couldn’t make it

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I’d listen to Rogan a bit if he has interesting guests on, I wouldn’t listen to any of the MMA guys or the ex-army type lads he has on but I think he’s gone downhill big time in the last 6 months. A lot of repetitive shit on it lately, I know they are 3 hours long so bound to be some repetition but an awful lot of it lately.

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That must been what inspired you to make 98.3% of your posts boring?

I probably listen to 3-4 of his shows a year. Some if the endurance runners or extreme fitness guys can be an interesting listen. Then the odd doctor / scientist. The sleep guy was mind blowing.

Rogans voice is easy to listen to and tone, even after a few hours, doesn’t piss me off though I rarely listen to him. I think that’s the key to his success. JP has obviously a few health and other issues and would fit the old times moniker of too intelligent, but that doesn’t mean all he says should be dismissed just because some should. I hate this culture of copping out of an argument just because you don’t agree with one point someone makes. Peterson’s issues with compelled speech an illustration. He had no issue with referring to someone how they wished to be referred as but had a problem with that being mandated. An entirely rational position, but not for some.

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I don’t worry about critics, that’s for insecure men.

He’s a fucking fraud mate

Who was this?

Says the biggest pussy on the forum who goes hiding any time anybody makes a point he can’t deal with. :grinning:


He’s this year’s nutri bullet

They generally cannot get a grip or control the micro issues in their own lives so they like to moralise about the macro or world issues which they seemingly have all the right answers for. If only they would make their beds in the afternoon when they get up that would be a good start.


Yis didn’t have to lower the blade so yis didn’t

I enjoyed 12 Rules for Life, I thought it had some interesting points and took plenty from it and would recommend it to anyone. I also found JP an interesting speaker when he first burst on the scene 3 or 4 years ago. I tried Beyond Order and found it pretty boring, it simply didn’t grab my attention and gave up after around 4 chapters and I find it the same with JP these days. He is obviously a well educated and knowledgeable but I find it is all a bit repetitive at this stage, he has reached market saturation IMHO.

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You know you are doing good work when lefites and big pharma are coming for you

I agree. He’s a trained psychologist with years of teaching experience, there’s definitely a lot of value in tidbits and his opinions. I found some of his opinions on soldiers and PTSD fascinating. I wouldn’t pay money and go watch him speak though, but each to their own.

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Sure you’ve summed well there exactly what youse lot have been doing since the start of the pandemic.

Yis had all the answers, except yis had none.

The lack of self awareness is staggering.

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


So you’ve never listened to it?