
Yeah same as. I skip most of them but if he has a guest I know or like I’ll listen. The undertaker, Robert Oberst, Tyson Furey and Kelly Pavlik were all decent listens, because I’d have an interest in what they do.

The undertaker one was really good alright. The Francis Ngannou one is incredible if a little drawn out, he has some story to tell.

Must actually get to that one.

New York today, according to Al Gore (2006)


You do know he has guests from the right, guests from the left, scientists, doctors, authors, musicians, sportspeople and people from all walks of life. Or are you doing that infantile thing you do where if you disagree with somebody on anything you instantly dismiss everything that person does or says? Real student union type outlook on life that most people grow out of in their mid to late 20s.


It’s unreal.

I know he promotes disinformation. That’s a very big red flag. Isn’t it?

I suppose if you’re the gullible type you’ll like it.

Funny you mention Student Unions because his fans seem to have a very child like view of the world.

Nah as I already said I listen to it if I think he has an interesting looking guest on. You’ve dismissed every person who has ever been on his show as not being interesting even though you probably couldn’t name more than 2 or 3 out of hundreds. And you’ve done this because you disagree with him on vaccines. And you don’t think this is a childish outlook on life. Ok.


I dismiss a show when it’s a consistent vehicle for disinformation and hate speech. That’s perfectly rational.

You didn’t dismiss the show though you dismissed every guest on the show because you don’t like the presenter. Those are different things :smiley:

Again. If a show consistently platforms disinformation and hate speech, any rational person would dismiss it.

If you like for a show to consistently platform disinformation and hate speech, you’ll probably like Joe Rogan.

Given that a large amount of posters here are wannabe American right wing culture warriors - a type of person who by definition has a child like, irrational anger-driven perspective on the world, it makes sense that such a show would have a large following here.

No issue with anyone not liking the show or Rogan, I think he’s a bit of a gowl mysef. I’ll take that as an admission that you’ve realised your original statement about the guests was incorrect so as you’ve moved from the guests to the show and we’ll leave it there.

He was probably investing in New York Real Estate as he spun that one

He must have missed a variable.


Not a hint of grift about this. :grinning:

The ladz will be falling over themselves to pump this shite into their body.

Possibly…the sun maybe?

Just listening to it again today, its a modern masterpiece and should be held in the archives, Joe nailed Twitter, a place for people who are addicted to being outraged, the rush they get of it

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I was tearing up myself earlier watching the great man get emotional when talking about the power of music.
It was just a life affirming 4 hours well spent


Half way through the JP podcast. What’s so controversial? It’s It’s interesting conversation. Don’t agree with JP on a few things but he’s interesting. Don’t understand the folks who follow him religiously


The best Joe Rogan podcasts are when he has Joey Diaz or Duncan Trussell. Just hours of shit talking

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