
The recent podcast with yer man Patrick is a complete game changer. Paddy has been walking forwards for years…desperately trying to avoid knees over toes while not even having the wit to push a sleigh. Nothing but a bundle of muck savages

Would a 1980s playlist like I’m listening to now not be much more enjoyable?

Everybody. Wants. To. Rule. The. World.

Don’t you…forget about me.


I don’t think anyone has or should have an issue with it being a waste of time. It is subjective. Someone else might find the thought of spending hours every week following the fortunes of Haggis McJockstrap against the likes of Ross County enjoyable. Are they wasting their limited time on earth? what enjoyment could they possibly be deriving from it…

What is becoming evident is there is an orchestrated attempt to deplatform Joe Rogan. A letter from a group of doctors, Bidens surgeon general on MSNBC stating big tech should be doing something to censor him, Neil Young wanting Spotify to pick between himself and Rogan are all examples of this. If they all agreed it was shite and not worth listening to that would be commendable. If some media mogul launched their own long form Podcast to cast aspersions and undermine him as a far right loon there would be some merit to that too but the reaction these days is to cancel. He must be doing something right intrinsically if that is the default position.


Nodding and agreeing.

If he’s to be ridiculed work away, if he’s a snake oil salesman then point out what he said to back that up. That’s how to really stop someone in their tracks. Demanding censorship from the off is a weak position

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Why should the doctors or Neil Young not be allowed an opinion? I can sort of see why the Surgeon General shouldn’t be weighing in but just as Joe Rogan is allowed his opinion, so is everyone else. And if people think his opinions are juvenile or dangerous then I’m all for them expressing those opinions. And if Neil Young doesn’t want to share a platform with him then he’s well entitled to make that clear. A musician with a conscience is hardly a new concept.

Is there anyone on TFK who thinks that Joe Rogan should be removed from Spotify because he said something that is false about vaccines? Seems to me that covid is so confusing and the information is changing so much that that would be ridiculous but maybe some feel the threat is just too much to public safety.

When he did his podcasts with Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Robert Malone who co invented MRNA vaccines he hardly spoke. These are some of the post published doctors in the world and experts in their field. The saying Doctors differ patients die is true for pretty good reason and the notion that all doctors is one homogenous grouping bears no resemblance to real life. The real issue seems to be with Rogan giving these doctors a platform. No one really cares that Joe Rogan took Monoclonal antibodies and overcame covid. Group think or consensus in general needs and deserves to be challenged.


And therefore you should welcome and encourage those challenging Joe Rogan.


People are no longer tolerant of opposing points of view. On left or right. Except for here of course.

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Exactly. Pretty much like I said in my first post.
He deserves to be challenged and vigorously, but in order to facilitate that he can’t be censored.

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Where can you see those figures for people?

Ok but there’s a difference between censoring and deplatforming or simply removing someone. Spotify is a commercial venture. If enough people say that they find him intolerable and don’t want him being paid from their subscriptions then that’s their right. I don’t think that’s censorship at all.

I’ve no problem with Joe Rogan having a platform. I would have rathered it wasn’t Spotify because I don’t like how Spotify are controlling that medium and I don’t think it’s healthy. But I’m not a subscriber so don’t really care. Just surprised at how many people are adamant that he is beyond criticism.

I have noticed a strong correlation between Joe Rogan advocates and Conor McGregor fanboy types


Sure I said the exact opposite in my previous post that you gave a like to

Each to their own my friend. Some lads just like a lengthy podder that can help them in the process of self actualisation, self realisation and help them on the journey through life with a lens on ancient mythology and culture (cc @Thomas_Brady) and drive an understanding of identity and self. Easy listening like


They can pay their subscription and just not listen to him. Ir nit okay and listen to ads. The whole thing is just giving him more coverage anyway. People who want removed u assume don’t listen. The unintended consequences of making noise about him will drive more people to listen if they want to see what the noise is about.

My only objection to Rogan is the obscene money he is paid by Spotify and bands get fuck all

The Spotify model for music seems wrong but the horse has long since bolted, I assume, on that.

I’d encourage music lovers to use Bandcamp

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Is it still .004c per stream?

In 2020, a report from Business Insider found that Spotify has paid artists as little as $. 0033 per stream , which means that artists would have to have around 250 streams to earn one dollar.

The only money os in touring now. Avoiding gouging promoters too. Very different industry after the Internet cane about. Better than napster, limewire or the pirate bay I guess

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