
The main problem is the self styled international right wing is now dominated by people who reject objective reality. The left doesn’t have anywhere remotely near the same problem, and anybody on the left who does reject objective reality tends to be quickly marginalised, whereas on the right such people are running countries or running massively successful and lucrative media organisations or have mass audiences to preach their rejection of objective reality and hate speech.

I’ve plenty objections to him. His comedy is atrocious and most of his podcasts are boring as sin.

I very much like a select handful though, mainly due to the guest and the freedom Joe gives them to speak

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I find myself nodding in agreement.

I’ve never watched his comedy at all.

As an aside I’d recommend Brydon & podcasts and Jools and Jim’s Joyrides.

His comedy is terrible.


Absolutely woeful


Sure the only funny right winger is Roy chubby brown and the only good right wing musician is Marty mone

I remember being half convinced by an article I read a couple of years ago which said music has been around for centuries as a profession. Only in the last 100 years was the recording of music monetized, and then it was just for the benefit of large companies. So performers have needed to perform live to make money forever and just because that changed in the 20th century doesn’t mean we should throw out this return to an older model.

So recording music made record companies wealthy and made musixians lazy and we should welcome a return to a model that rewards performance, not recording.

Probably written by the CEO of Spotify but I thought it was an interesring angle.


Ah now. You banned a poster for posting a video of Van Jones saying something that contradicted what Van Jones said in the video you posted…you weren’t such a fan of people having opinions back then

That’s simply not true.

Really? What was the reason?

I don’t know who you’re even talking about.

That’s funny. I’ve asked you before if, why etc I was banned from the racism thread. You didn’t answer, opting instead to make smug remarks to your audience

I’m glad you’re amused. Always happy to help.

That’s a good synopsis tbf getting record deal was a big payday back in the day but record companies were notorious for screwing artists too over long term copyright. Seeing live music beats everything.

You’re gone fierce contrary of late. Did you lose one of your medals?

Where is the link to the patreon? Can’t find it.

Would yous ever give over about the effin medals

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Woolie getting trolled tonight

How the fuck is how their senior team doing irrelevant??