
I like the podcasts well enough but I don’t think I’ll bother subscribing as part of me would quite like to see Wooly fall on his arse. His hurling guests are not great. Brian Carroll is the only one I’d really listen to. The football shows are inclined to repeat the same points over and over; the short kickout is no good, you must leave two inside. The same thing said every week and Doherty just agreeing with every thing he says.
Then again I’ll be missing out Damien Hayes talking about sheep farming, so I would.

I like Paul Murphy. He isn’t long out of the modern game either

What do they offer?

13,000 for second captains, wow. Couldnt listen to them.

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Loads of podders to have on in the background while your doing a bit of work

How many are GAA only tho? I personally wouldn’t pay those creeps 1c … But you said great value compared to Woolie. What’s their monthly GAA output.

I’d rather listen to a screeching blackboard on repeat.

Woolie up to 560. Not too bad for half way through the first day.

65k a month isn’t bad.

Probably one GAA show a week while league is on and two while championship is on, probably also depending on if there’s an international football tournament on. I’d say they’d actually do even better if they just stuck to soccer as nobody listens to them for GAA but I suppose they have to have something for Murph to do.

They seem to really annoy some lads on here because they’re very popular and successful.

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They’re not great value so if GAA is what you want. Not sure what @gilgamboa is getting at. I’ve no idea why lads on here don’t like them, I’ve never asked.

That was an enjoyable listen. I’d say tis some cowboy operation they have.

If I am not mistaken he used do one on a Monday after weekends action and do another one Thursday previewing the weekend ahead.


Ken Early is box office in fairness

It’s superb value for an all round sports fan. Any fella who wants 2 or 3 gaa only podders and actively doesn’t want the option of listening to podders on any other sports would be best advised to spend their fiver on wooly and conan alright

Joe Rogan is the only successful podder creator that is popular on TFK

Wollie at nearly 900 subscribers

Second Capt cover a wide variety of stuff and have good selection of contributors so well worth a fiver.
Ken’s political podcast (fairly infrequent) is a good listen

They could do with reigning Ken’s rambles in a bit.Ken is not nearly as funny/amusing as he thinks he is


Wooly is getting the most positive (ie not outwardly negative) reaction to an Irish media figure I’ve seen on TFK. He’s not getting absolutely lambasted for this new podcast venture and a few lads even said they might sign up :open_mouth:

Why would he? He tells it like it is and thats all you can ask for.