
He tells it as he sees it. That’s not necessarily how it is. As the only man here to be a former team mate of Wooly I wish him well, but I won’t be giving him a fiver a month I’d say.


In fairness to him he seems fairly harmless under all the noise…

Only very weird people pay for podcasts.

Also… U wot m8?

It won’t last. Wooly anti lockdown stance has bought himself credibility on here too I’d say

I think he’s an absolute dickhead but I haven’t heard his voice since the off the ball days, not for me but lads can spend their money as they wish. I
There’s an awful lot of lickarses on twitter seeming to sign up so he’ll acknowledge them :joy:, the angry Covid crowd love him, that may have been a good career move.

Ah sure good luck to him

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Why wouldn’t he? I think he’s good yeah I like him. I think the second captains are decent too though so I’m easily pleased by tfk standards

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Sure some lads don’t even know how to sleep without listening to a Joe Rogan podcast

The Joe Rogan Alex Jones podcasts are the stuff of legend

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Lads can’t shut up about Joe Rogan… Every few posts they’re bringing him up.


By god…

he has destroyed their minds and they haven’t even listened to him, they are being told what to think by the woke brigade

Looks like he’ll hit the 1,000 by the end of the day. A massive endorsement by the GAA community. God bless.


Shane Stapleton will be seething. Last I checked his own Patreon had just gone past the 100 mark and he’s had it up a good bit longer than Woolie.

100 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. That’d be fair soul destroying. You’d have posts here with more likes


Shane Stapleton is basically a nobody even in GAA terms. It seems a bit mad that apparently his only income is the OurGame thing

Shane Saints channel is very good but I’m not sure the YouTube model has served him well. He probably should have focused on Spotify from the get go.

That’s some amount of content to be fair to woolie. Actually good value if you listen to predominantly gaa podcasts

My favourite genre of podcast is the Short History of… type ones where you can pick up lots of information on random events/topics.

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You’d want your head examined to be listening to more than one GAA podcast every couple of weeks, especially during the winter.

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