
I LOLd at this

About Smaller Fish GAA

“Parkinson has made a brilliant transition from Gen-X disenchanted ball player to energetic radio-man and he manages the rare trick of being irreverent while always respectful of players and managers” – Keith Duggan, Irish Times.

“A washed up Ballbag”, Peter Boyle, Donegal goalkeeper.

It just shows the star power of the man. Literally box office. I’ll probably sign up myself. Mightn’t listen to too much but good to support the movement, at least.

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Good on you mate


this is not a moment, it’s the movement

Wollie at present

Make It Rain Money GIF


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Lads, the fact that the Two Johnny’s can make a living off a podcast is your benchmark.


Or that Blindboy gimp.

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Number of patrons not visible for them…

What podcast has the biggest support on patreon? Is it cumtown?

Stapleton is a hurling show.Nobody has any interest in that.

Cum Town are 12th on the list

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Is wooly gonna have any free ones?

No. 10 - what the fuck?

All other podcasts are pro-peados


Yer man Conan is on that one too

No. 3 and No. 9 sound they might be anyway.

Who’s top in Ireland? Blindboy does ok I’d say but his is voluntary

Second captains by a mile I’d say. They’d probably be top 20 worldwide looking at that list considering they have over 13,000 subscribers.

I’d say the 2 Johnnies free one would be the most listened to Irish one overall or it used to be anyway.

I’ve signed up for a sensory deprivation tank session off the back of the Dr Peterson podcast

Cc @Tassotti @Thomas_Brady


Stapleton must be realy questioning his content.

