
By listeners I’d say one of Tommy + Hector, David McWilliams or yer wan Vogues one. Dunno about Patreon.

It’s Joe Rogan by a huge distance.

Tried it before. Did nothing for me

Patreon was the question.

But even then I’d doubt Rogan has an army of Irish listeners


What are you on about?

I thought you meant top podcast produced here rather than just listened to here. I’d say Mr Rogan is ahead by country mile if it’s the latter. Again patrons might be a different matter.

I was wondering which Irish podcast has most paying subscribers, via patreon

Is Rogan genuinely the most listened to podcast in Ireland across all platforms? That’s a big surprise to me, is there figures to back that up?

These are the most listened to podcasts in Ireland on Spotify

The Coming Sorm was a good listen

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Planning to get stuck into that soon.

I’m fascinated with those alt-right/ far-right internet headbangers. The HBO series was good.

Is he the biggest in the world? And Why would you be surprised? The array of guests he has on is phenomenal. Did you think two roasters from Tipp telling fart jokes were the biggest?


Joe Rogan is the new mass. For the most conservative blokes looking for guidance in life


I’m not a fan of his (regardless of the Covid stuff). Tried his pods a good few years ago but just didn’t get into him. But he is the biggest. Spotify ain’t paying him the big bucks for nothing

Spotify are one of many streaming podcast services, I use overcast, many use acast etc etc, is Rogan drawing more listeners here than anybody,

I don’t listen any podcasts besides the odd true crime series but I’d have thought some Irish pod would be more popular Tommy tiernan maybe something like that

AFAIK - and I’m sure the Joe Show fanboys can tell us - Rogan isn’t on some of the other podcast services (e.g. Google pods, iTunes/Apple pods, etc.) So the figures for Spotify would be quite high if it’s the only place. Are his new pods still on YouTube?

Spotify is the biggest platform now for pods. They’ve achieved that relatively quickly.

Second Captains or Blind Boy I think

It’s strange, I’m sure it’s there but it’s not straightforward to get a list of most popular podcasts streamed from Ireland, it always goes to the Spotify chart, most people don’t use Spotify for podcasts

The Apple interface/functionality is not as good