
He has loads of ultra runners on it over the years.

Another guy that has no idea about the podcast :rofl:


Don’t know about that

Yep. Courtney Dauwalter has been on. She’s fantastic.

The ultra runners are nuts.


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Ah some are alright. Some are very normal. They just don’t spend their spare time online/ watching telly etc.

I think his point is most people use Spotify for music.

Actually, edit, it mightn’t be :man_shrugging:

But, as per my article above, Spotify is now also the biggest player in podcast market and will only get bigger.

Podcasts have gone from a niche format a few years ago to quite a big deal now.

That was an excellent show.

True dat.Mostly middle aged/middle class dad’s that like to do their own “research” and tell the whole world about it.


Excellent stuff from Russell Brand in fairness.

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100%… think they are cutting edge but in fact their edge is the most popular podcast in the world.

The seethe is unreal :grinning:

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I was and am still believe that less than 50% of podcasts downloaded (or streamed or listened to, whatever the term is) in Ireland are done so through Spotify. But I’m not certain.
The srticle you linked had Spotify neck and neck with Apple, there’s dozens of other smaller services as well that will have retained loyal customers from years ago, I use overcast because it was the first one I heard about.
If I’m wrong then it’s really no big deal, if Joe Rogan is indeed the most listened to podcast every week in Ireland then I’ve learned something, I thought it was an American thing primarily. I have nothing against him as I never listened and genuinely don’t know the first thing about him.

Somebody must have the figures?

There being so many different podcast providers is exactly why it’s so hard to know which is the most listened to. I wouldn’t say there’s any way of knowing

Rogan might be the most listened to podcast you pay for but who’s the most popular free podcast?Something like Guardian football weekly or Tommy Tiernan surely has more listeners

Rogan is free

The likes of Rogan’s podcast (and I’ve only ever listened to maybe 1.5 of his podcasts, and haven’t listened to the Jordan Peterson one) are fairly wide-ranging, covering a multitude of topics. A soccer football podcast, while a fairly big niche, is still a niche. There are a lot of people out there who have little interest in conventional sportsball.

He’s only on Spotify, wouldn’t be much point them paying him 100 million if he could be listened to anywhere

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