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Joe Rogan is the biggest Podder on the world, how would some bogmen from Tipp or Laois talking shite about gah compare to him? FFS

I listened to the Oliver Stone podcast tonight, unreal insight into the making of Platoon


Stones a legend.Louis Theroux had a good podcast with him there during the lockdown

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was that the Scientology one? it was class, they are fucking nutters, John Sweneey did a great one with Jame O’Brien about them too, John Travolta was trying to get him cancelled

I just heard these lads are after getting a full time gig on 2fm

Theroux is a great man to interview a lad.


Ignorant apes like a few of the usual suspects here don’t have the attention span to listen to a conversation like that.


its unreal listening, Stone has a lovely calm voice, the time he dosed his auld lad’s whiskey with acid to break his mind and stupid way of thinking, should be done to a few lads here


They want fart jokes from two roasters or else they want sports opinions fed to them as their own


Fellas have never had as much information available to them and they still look for toilet humour.

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Been listening to Rogan for about 6 years. No interest in his MMA interviews or the majority of his interviews with friends/comedians but once every 2 months there will be a few golden nuggets worth listening to.

Joel Salatin on rotation organic farming, Matt Walker on Sleep, James Nestor on Breathing, Dave Sinclair on Longevity, Peter Attia on diet, Rhonda Patrick on diet… These are just a few that I enjoyed in the past few years. Some guest have been on a few times.

The format works for me. Its a long conversation, somehow (and huge credit to him) Rogan manages to stay engaged, interested and focused over the 2-3 hour period.

I’m as covid exhausted as the next fella and when McCullagh and Malone podcasts were uploaded I could take them or leave them. That said, I go for a walk most evenings so I threw them as I knew there was a bit of a shitstorm in the media over it. So then you listen and you hear 2 fellas that are really passionate about the subject and coming from different angles. Rogan probed them both pretty well and I’d argue that over the course of the conversations there very few inaccuracies. But take the information on your own terms, do your research and take your own position on it. I think the vast majority of us now know that trusting main stream media for all your information isn’t a smart strategy.

And while you are at it. Listen to this one, from start to finish and make up your own mind after.


He’d a good one with the army lad that mark wahlberg played in lone survivor …

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Marcus Luttrell

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A Hardy buck. He was loosening up with the whiskey during the interview …

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But his mind is in chains.

Steroids and pot are a bad combination.

Is Joe Rogan not a wresting commentator :joy:

Doesn’t strike me as the kind of fella you’d be looking for life guidance from. Grand i spose if its only a podder in the background while you do a bit of work but tis like a cult for some fellas

You’ve been trying hard to make this stick but it’s not gaining any traction

Make what stuck? That’s what we call them in cork
