
You’re a bad hoor Brady. No need for that

I’ve never been against criticism. It’s something JP needs to work on. It’s grand for fellas like us who can join the dots effortlessly, but many others will be left frustrated.

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The main thrust of that conversation was the alcoholic monkeys, the cocaine addicted rats was used to validate his first point but to me it only served to make a further mockery of them.
He had no idea of the conditions in which the monkeys were kept, size of colony etc which to me is an absolutely gigantic control element of that experiment.
I am open minded on this genuinely, impressed with Rogan but blown away by Petersons assumption of the naivety of his audience, obviously doesn’t respect Rogan with the amount of bullshit he tried to get past

That said, I’ve listened to some of his university lectures and I find his frame of reference beyond me at times. He’s probably doing his best…but I’ve no doubt he’ll strive to do better.

We he shouldn’t be mocking addicts…even if they are rats. So we can agree on that.

His thoughts can be dumbed down? :grinning:

Lads need ideas broken down and spoon fed to them.

Peterson assumes the rest of us are intelligent enough to have ideas fire hosed at us.

Some of us can manage it.

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Reading between the lines I’m guessing that this comment and a few others this morning bemoaning g the lack of intelligence of some of the listeners is aimed at me.
I’m making a genuine effort to listen to tje podcast, giving my thoughts as I go on. Nobody will explain any of my questions, preferring to call me an idiot, but I don’t understand how it why we should accept this ‘firehosing’ of misinformation/lies, thankfully Rogan is asking questions.

I probably shouldn’t have bothered, is Peterson a God like figure? He hasn’t impressed me in the least.

I’m of middling intelligence I suppose, somebody giving an interview to the worlds most listened to podcast should be prepared to speak to the masses in a language they’d understand, is he speaking cryptically? I don’t even think so.
But if you don’t want to discuss the podder then try not to insult those who will.

There’s a lot in the interview. They jump across lots of ideas and off on tangents.

Some of it is bunkum and some of it is interesting.

Peterson’s an academic and clinical psychologist so when he discusses that area he’s usually correct and insightful. He makes good points on social media and Twitter abuse and why people behave there in a manner they never would face to face.

He stretches some stuff beyond absurdity trying to find meaning - music for example.

I don’t get the hate for Rogan. He’s just a facilitator and he challenges and asks questions constantly.

I thought I made a decent effort at explaining climate is everything etc?

But you’re right, you’ve made an effort and your points are considered and well made. I’d say lads are really having a gentle dig at fellas like @gilgamboa who think listening to podcasts is gay or something

Gil thinks it’s a self help podcast for wrestlers :grinning:

I love podders. Just not American ones with wrestling commentators

That was weird, it’s a covers band doing ‘Riders on the storm’ and he’s losing his shit, his description of the ramones gig he was at was hilarious though,

He’s moved onto gender dysphoria now and related topics, I’m beginning to see why he’s a TFK hero, not my style

@KinvarasPassion … The Robert Epstein episode is something else.


Important to have clear rules I suppose.

Listen, move on to the ultra runners or the dieticians or something you’re into. I’d highly recommend the sleep expert episode also.


Its shocking stuff pal. This post is being brought to you via the Brave browser, need I say any more.


What’s the sleep fellas name? If there was work in the bed id lie on the floor so it’s an area I’ve a keen interest in.

I sleep like a baby, I’m not into any of those things.
Just thought I’d see what the fuss was about with both those characters, one is quite impressive, but the other seems dreadful, he’s making it up as he goes along, spouting stats and studies that are completely false or misrepresented.
But it’s an interesting discussion, so I’ll keep going, no harm in knowing what’s out there

I revisited the Bernie Saunders interview today. What a man