Post Ewan McKenna

FAO Galway lads….

Poor from Tommyguns not to come out and name Scan given that even our dogs know whom he was referring to.

You’d really want to have your senior county and provincial medals tidied up before you leave school

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A lot of fellas idolise him on here, you’re putting a target on yourself mate. Watch out. They’re dangerous.

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@Ewan must be seething that he performed so poorly in the Cunt of the Year final

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That’s proper COTY stuff by Ewan. Imagine a fairly public figure actually typing that up and putting it out there. The cunt is i presume in his 30s and played sport when he was younger, barely believable lack of self awareness.

I like this one

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What if he’s right?

They were shite in fairness. The best of them will agree with ewan

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Single digit IQ :joy:

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One or two of those kildare lads looked like they spent more time in the confectionary aisle than than the gym. If anything ewan is flattering them

No prisoners taken there :rofl::joy::rofl:

This is a step forward for Ewan. Its finally dawned on him that kildare are responsible for kildare being shit.


All because they didnt wipe down the machine.

If they had the funding the Dubs get, and the makey uppy jobs, they’d be able to do Open University courses to improve that IQ.

Funding schmunding. No shortage of money in Kildare.

Luckily anybody who has heard of Ewan won’t have seen it as they are either aware he has turned into a full blown crank and have muted him, or been blocked by him.

Unless they log in here, of course.

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Aye, but it was humble lowly downtrodden derry there were playing, not dublin…