Post Ewan McKenna

Ewans lives rent free in some fellas heads

Mad how some fellas hang off Ewans every word



The bully Cork boys don’t like a mirror being held up to their obsession with Ewan. They won’t bully me

Don’t let them get you down bro

I won’t

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Forum favourite Paul Murphy is making a cunt of forum favourite Ewan on twitter

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I haven’t seen that but I’ve noticed he’s gone really far down the Putin apologism hole, now strongly anti-Ukraine, he can’t even hide it anymore as being an excuse for peace, he’s a very strange man, supported by very strange men,
SportsGemma is barely an exaggeration anymore, complete balmpot

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Your obsession with the simpleton is unrale. Do you fancy him?

You seem to be reading everything he says on social media and froughting at the mouth after.

Strange behaviour.

He brings a bit of it to our attention. I, for one, am thankful. I love hearing about when ewan goes mental.
I’m aghast at your misspelling of ‘frothing’ though.


Agree on that misspelling.

Edit that missing apostrophe quickly though.


Edit your suggestion something was amiss…

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Will Smith Yes GIF by Bad Boys For Life

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You are some steamer.

Poor oul’ Ewan made one major mistake. Well two major mistakes. Three actually.

The first major mistake he made was to start believing the stupid, hateful shite he now believes, because believing stupid, hateful shite is bad in and of itself.

The second major mistake he made was to be up front about what he now believes. You can’t pull off the act he’s been trying to pull off for years while being earnest in personality. It has to be an act, a stage, you have to play a particular character. You have to cultivate a fake “larger than life” personality and smile knowingly a lot. Like, read the style guide written by the guy who runs the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin, about how neo-Nazis should behave online. It should actually be compulsory reading for everybody as a warning as to how these bastards operate.

A fake “humour” had to be at the centre of everything. Anglin was quite clear that the Daily Stormer and its online followers are Nazis who want to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth, but they would try to behave like edgy but friendly comedians, meme merchants, irony merchants, so that people would be fooled into liking them through this perception of an edgy yet essentially benign personality.

This style guide holds true for all the successful cunts who believe all manner of hateful and stupid and intelligence insulting shite. They all try to behave like edgy but friendly comedians, “ah, say what you want about them but they’re a character, tut tut, ha ha”.

Those that flounder and become hated, like Sports Gemma, Real Gemma, Waters, the Burkes, pretty much all of these cunts in this country actually, none of them can do the edgy fascist “humour” bit that Trump and Farage mastered. They end up being earnest, and earnest voicing of hateful views ends up in you becoming hated. Hateful views require a mask of “humour” and being expert at obfuscation to attract a following.

That was the third major mistake Ewan made. He engaged. Once you engage earnestly while earnestly believing stupid and hateful shit, you’re goosed. People just see you for what you are - a hateful cunt. Anybody who has had any success while peddling the sort of stupid and hateful shite Ewan now peddles obfuscates and doesn’t engage on any sort of honest level. Because the sorts of views Ewan now holds do not and cannot hold up to any sort of critical engagement.

Ewan still has one avenue open to him which is to teach an online class called “How To Make Yourself A Pariah” 101. He should be a genuine expert on this subject. Should be.


Further to this, this island has had one immensely successful hateful demagogue in our lives, Ian Paisley. Paisley’s most underrated weapon in his armament was that he continually smiled and belly laughed and affected a ridiculous comedy character, all while being deadly serious in his bigotry and hatred. Paisley couldn’t have had such success and drummed up such cult like loyalty without playing that fake comedy character.

When Paisley died, even Catholics who felt the real effects of his bigotry were mostly extremely conciliatory, some of them were even warm towards him, because he did the Chuckle Brothers act, and shure wasn’t it hilarious.

My strong impression is that David Trimble, who for all his undoubted faults and indeed previous bigotry, made a far more substantial and braver contribution to peace in the North than Paisley did, received a colder response in death from Northern Catholics than Paisley did. Easy answer as to why. Trimble had a cold, uncharismatic personality.


Ewan has an awful fix on Zelensky. Not sure why he feels he needs to make the same points every day and sound a bit unhinged in doing so. Tweet and save the tweets and when history proves him right smile away then.

He way overstretches. As well of concern himself with Irish affairs which he’s good on, the pandemic disaster and the truth about Dublins bought leinster and all Ireland titles.

There was a fourth mistake. He was wrong about the Dubs. He spent 6 years shouting abiut systemic failure in the GAA that the senior football championship was forever ruined and would be farmed at will by Dublin. He could not accept the golden generation, top manager argument. He went down a rabbit hole of paranoia on it.

He did the same on Irish rugby as well actually. Completely wrong about that as well.


He’s box office, a car crash, like being on a fast ride at the funfair
The sort you wanna get off because it’s scary
And then as soon as you’re off
You wanna get straight back on again

A few lads get very very defensive when Ewan is brought up on this topic :man_shrugging:
I don’t follow many accounts on twitter, Ewan is by far the most prolific that I do, I make no apologies, and he obviously loves (needs?) the attention

Cluxton and McCarthy were there from the start to the end. Two players isn’t a golden generation. Good management, but with the correct resources. Jim Gavin isn’t winning any all Ireland’s with Cavan. And of course there was another manager too. Dublin lost the last two because two counties who take football far more seriously than Dublin pipped them. Which would have been commonplace beforehand. But if you really think Dublin are back to where they were pre funding I’ll let you have the field in this year and next years leinster championship and I’ll pick dublin. Name your stake.

And you mention he went down paranoia…bizarre…so you’re saying Dublin didn’t get extra funding from the GAA and government??

Paisley looked after his constituents, did plenty of good deeds for Catholic grannies on the QT, many of whom voted for him on the QT. And had personality. Trimble did none of that.

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