Post Ewan McKenna

Ewan triggers the wokies something wicked. He has a lot of flaws but he’s well able to call out the virtue signallers.a great strength and it has a few here very wound up. Trackie especially.

Modern day heroes for headbangers, lads who wind up ‘wokies’ :joy: doesn’t take much, so plain to see :man_shrugging:

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i dont think he winds anyone up

people see his ramblings & think he is an oddball that has lost the run of himself


I’m fierce wound up over ewan making a tit of himself about the kildare footballers. Fierce wound up so i am.

You’ve just outed yourself as a wokie I’m afraid.


middle class woke leftie

so predictable that he would get in your head

Great activity here this morning, you just knew it would be the Cork boys as well. Havent they taken enough from Kildare at this stage, what more is there to give?

Surely that’s not the argument pal that it’s only fellas there start to end that count

Ive gone from misogynist troglodyte to middle class wokie in less than 24 hours. Ronan Keating was so right.


Ewan say it best, when Ewan say nothin’ at all.


That put a smile on my face…

Perhaps ewan’s latest crime is one of omission. When pointing out that the proxy war in ukraine is being led by a corrupt, racist, bigoted regime that denies ethnic minorities access to education, language rights, employment, legal and political representation etc, whilst press ganging them into the defence of a country and a government that despises them, he should simultaneously point out that putin is a dictator who jails or kills dissidents and democraticopponents, sets murderous brutal state sponsored mercenary gangs on innocent civilians, silences the press etc
But he’d still be disturbing the cosy, ignorant good vs evil narrative …and we can’t be having that now

The high point of Covid :joy::joy::joy::joy:

He might as well have had the erroneous GAA development funding calculations from that student on Twitter in that folder for all the use it did him

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Probably the only time I’ll agree with him


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It’s remarkable the little things which can trigger somebody inside and start them off on the road to being a fully fledged headbanger.

I think in Ewan’s case it was something like Ryan Tubridy smiling when Paul O’Connell was on the Late Late Show around 2015.

Ewan took this as an interpretation that there was a sinister, illuminati-style rugby-media-industrial complex conspiracy. From there it was a short hop into Covid denialism and Putin apologism.

I suppose some of the writing about rugby here from around that time, some of it by myself, probably didn’t help, because he probably read it. But the thing was, all that writing was essentially a joke, a performance for laughs and likes. Ewan didn’t understand that. He thought it was real.

You’ll be lovin’ each day.

There was a time on here lads would get fierce wound up. There’s a more general zen around the place these days I feel. Lads don’t take things too seriously anymore. That’s probably the beginning of the end of this golden generation. Lads don’t have the hunger to dig in and engage for days and weeks anymore.

Have we any new top posters coming through

My zen brought peace to the forum.

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If I’m being honest @Cheasty being suicidal and expressing a vulnerable side probably ended tfk as a place of proper vitriol where lads would spend weeks seething.


That and the disappearance of 1 or 2 other cranks.