Post Ewan McKenna

Odd fella really.

Has he ever had a positive post?

Do you want me to drive a coach and four again through that utter bullshit? If nothing else, would it ever dawn on you that Sweden is an entirely different place from Florida and Texas?

You are not a personality alibi merchant, like most of the Ewan and Enoch admirers. But you still just do not have a clue.

Your position: ‘Everyone should have been let get Covid, so that I could have carried on ‘as normal’. I do not care what the consequences of no lockdown would have been, that those consequences would have been catastrophic in various ways, short term and long term. I just wanted to do my thing. And I am going to ignore any consideration that forces me to think my ‘position’ arose out of prompts more estimable than immaturity and an inability to think.’

You could say the fact that certain people are still banging on about Covid and lockdown two years later attests to an ability to mature. Like the fella in Derry, you should be a bit better than this bullshit. Most of the other true believers are just personality albi merchants for whom obnoxiousness and suspicion is an attempt at personality and intelligence.

In short: cop on.


The only argument left pro lockdown is the one that they didn’t know what they were dealing with and erred on the side of caution. I accept that one but then again lockdowns didn’t affect me that badly at all bar be quite annoying.
There is absolutely no way though that if COVID 20 arrived next week and had exactly the same transmission, symptoms, mortality etc as COVID 19 that there would be lockdowns like we had with schools shut and queues outside woodies. Not a hope.

Fuck off and never reply to me again you moron


Lockdowns for a viral airborne disease made fuck all sense. All the nonsense 9 euro meals, live in pods and wesrimg a face mask which all were useless in stopping it were the issue. Yes it was deadly to vulnerable people but it was the nature of the disease. The measures taken by governments would have been effective if it was a venereal disease, stay away from the public when intoxicated and cover up the main vector of transmission.

Anyway no point in arguing as whoever dug in woth the official narrative wont change 3 years on.

I would not exactly say I replied to you. But I will call to account your selfishness, self absorption and stupidity any time I want. The likes of you had no right to endanger the vulnerable. By the way, your problem is that I am the very opposite of a moron. I could destroy you in any argument any time on anything. And you know it.

By the also way, and to repeat for umpteenth time, 96% of adults over 18 in Ireland took a Covid vaccine. That figure is also a form of democracy. But you seem not to have the ability to absorb anything not slap of a wet fish in the face obvious.

In short: grow up. Most ways, it is a pleasant experience.

What is your point, other than the banal observation that people did not know the future in early 2020?

As said, go away. Type into the void if you like but I’m not responding to anymore of the scutter you post on here or on other threads. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Do not reply. By all means. Will not change what you are. Namely: a selfish immature young man who wanted certain people needlessly to die so that you could go to the pub. Reflect on that reality sometime, as a means of growing up.

My point is that they didn’t need to lockdown the way they did and wouldn’t again if the same disease came along. You seem to believe we needed all the restrictions we had. Batigol disagrees.

Yes, he disagrees. And he is totally wrong, by any rational criteria.

There is no point in burbling on about ‘democracy’ if you occupy, at best, a 4% minority. The whole schtick is beyond risible.

I still do not get why you feel I needed to be apprised of banalities.

Id say most people feel we didn’t need the majority of the restrictions at this stage. I think you get so angry and exercised about this topic because deep down you know you got a lot of it completely wrong. That’s just an observation though. Jumping in so aggressively there when he never addressed you at all on a topic you’ve argued about 100s of times is strange whatever the reason.


Look, you are some sort of a hoppity TFK eejit. Yadda yadda yadda, same trite bullshit as three years ago, two years ago. I heard all the morons of Kilkenny yattering this shite: ‘How does the virus know you had pizza!’ “The official narrative”… Bless.

Let me ladybird it – nice TFK Esperanto – for you. A food charge of €9 was introduced – could have been salade de gésiers or pizza or whatever served – so that people would go home after visiting one establishment. because of the tariff of €9 involved in visiting another establishment. The gambit is given in shorthand as ‘nudge affect’.

Now run along with your asinine ‘Everybody should have been let get Covid’ yattering.

Going back to the original point (today), the issue was with Ewan’s attempted character assassination of the two lads, calling one an alco etc, accusations of treason etc,
When in fact they recommended a course of action followed all over the world in the face of unknown threat
We all suffered, I know it’s gonna be laughed at but my job was hell, my own kids had a shitty year but it’s over, fucking hell if you’re still here and your loved ones are able to move on just get on with it and look forward


[quote=“Arthur, post:2433, topic:31249, full:true”]. I think you get so angry and exercised about this topic because deep down you know you got a lot of it completely wrong. That’s just an observation though. Jumping in so aggressively there when he never addressed you at all on a topic you’ve argued about 100s of times is strange whatever the reason.

Do you think so? Well, given I was the first person here to predict how the issue would pan out, that statement on your part is more than a bit amusing. And here you are, still completely wrong, three years later, self righteously and enduringly wrong, without a titter of self awareness.

Not sure I would use the word ‘anger’ but I will tell you why I do experience ‘frustration’. People’s stupidity is highly frustrating and people’s wilful and immature stupidity is even more frustrating. I could say a lot on the ‘Climate Change’ thread but no point in trying to unstupid the stupid.

Anyone who admires Ewan MacKenna and/or Enoch Burke is by definition someone with an incipient personality disorder of some kind.

You have kids???

With that crockery? Bloody hell.

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I’m amused at Batigol seething that there was a lockdown and also seething that he had to work during said lockdown.


Ewan is wrong to personally attack them (though I have my own feelings towards Mr Holohan as a person). But I think they were grossly wrong in what they recommended, and the cowards that allowed them so even more wrong.

I think a serious enquiry is needed, if only to make us better prepared. How often were we told we were “flattening the curve” so the HSE could add extra capacity? Where is that capacity now? Who made money off the pandemic? Was there vested interests keeping it up? Was there any need to vaccinate EVERYONE?

Anyway, we live in a democracy and I know I’m in a minority and only vote once. . They’ll probably all get voted in again. Fair enough.

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Glad you’re amused. At least I had the m50 to myself

Another thought: loads of people have Covid at the moment. Back in 2020 and 2021, we were told on TFK by self appointed ‘experts’ and recent graduates in epidemiology from the University of YouTube that Covid was a type of flu and need not be worried about – therefore – except in the traditional flu months of November, December and January.

July is just gone and we are now in August.