Post Ewan McKenna

It was going to be some ask for him to be wrong. Its like predicting dublin, kerry or tyrone wont win the all ireland, theres a chance you may be wrong but you still xan claim you called it

1991 was the worst New Zealand team I’ve seen. 2003 wasn’t great either. 2019 was a stale edition.

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Some of us called this way out

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I’m on my second glass of wine now after two cans of Smithwicks and I just want to say Ewan MacKenna is a pathetic, miserable fuck who’s permanently angry but doesn’t know what he’s angry about but what he’s really angry about but will never admit it is what a fucking cunt he’s made of himself over the last 10 years.


Is he getting much of a rise from the dullards?

I don’t know because I haven’t looked at his Twitter and I don’t intend to. I intend to drink the rest of this glass of wine and then another one.


Enjoy, friend.

I won’t because I’m genuinely fuming we lost and I’m angry we won’t have what would have been the epic spectacle of Ireland v Argentina in a World Cup semi-final next Friday night. We would have lost and I would have seen humour in that but now New Zealand will win 41-13 with Argentina getting a consolation try after 74 minutes.


He’s wound up Hugh Cahill

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Spewan 1 - Dullard 0


Thats nasty from Hugh.

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Hugh’s seething tbf

Hugh was lucky to get together with it in the first place


Very unseemly from the rubby set

I’ve no interest in rugby but I was excited by the prospect of possibly winning a large tournament

I think anybody who cheers against their own country no matter who the opposition are should be horsewhipped, Ewan knows his audience to be fair

Line me up for horse-whipping so.


So you’d prefer to support the partionist soccer team full of plastic paddies over a United Irish team. Great

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Why will people get behind an Irish athlete in any random event at the Olympics, yet rugby seems to leave a significant majority very cold.

Reverse snobbery I assume

Plus the opportunity to appear edgy on an anonymous forum :man_shrugging:

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