Post Ewan McKenna

She is an absolute dose but she is getting filleted which is great to see. A cheap likes whore.


I was able to guess at least five of the people on each side who would show up in the thread. Irish Twitter is an awful place.


In fairness she’s well able to stand her ground. The fucking allies coming in to try and defend her though…

He could do with checking into the hair transplant monitor thread.


OTB’s Richie McCormack and nemesis of Woolie Parkinson must be one of them?

He’s fond of riding to rescue on social media atop his high horse.

Ewan has got sick of @SIdney’s shit

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is the only OIUTF communist on the internet. The others are loving the authoritarian control and the collapse of the economy.

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He wasn’t so tough when Dennis Rodman called him out

Ewan’s had his Martin Luther King moment.

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The begging bowl is out

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Bullet points please

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Sounds like the wife’s gone, but has left the dog. Possible things not great with Migs Delaney either, as his friend group is dwindling due to him laying it on the line every day for the good folk in all this,

Might have to supplement his income doing a bit of grafting. Fuck it, he might as well fo all in now, he is pot committed.

Miguel has a nice steady earner and stuck to being a sports writer.

Does Ewan have a TEFL qualification?

Amazing the speech from the Dr appears nowhere online

He’s burned so many bridges now he might have to consider learning to code.


A fine article, I have to say. I found myself nodding in agreement with a lot of it


Surely no company would go near him?

If the soccer twitter takes a serious turn, that’ll be Ewan

Ewan is on a slippery slope, I’d worry for him

I think he’s an incredible asshole but he’s not in a good place