Post Ewan McKenna

Maybe not a bad play to absolutely lay down a marker of how far-right you are given the inevitable rise, acceptance and demand of media on this side of the argument. That isn’t GO’D or John Waters.

Paddy Power could surely do an advert involving Ewan and the Dublin Footballers, maybe fighting with Johnny Cooper or Jack McCaffrey measuring his blood pressure or something.


Media and communications at MTK, first job Billy Joe Saunders’ Twitter


Researcher on The Claire Byrne Show


That was a good article thought, but he still thinks people care about others, in the myth of Irish society. Now exposed.

Good article. I’ve thrown him a few quid there
… I presume all the OIUTF crew like @Batigol, @BruidheanChaorthainn and @Horsebox will all fire him on a few quid to keep such content flowing.


Some day he will twig that you catch more with honey than vinegar.

I hate Ewan Mackenna I think he’s a wanker.

Ewan’s not the worst

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I thought the article was worth 10notes

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It’s unlikely you’ll agree with everything ewan says or does, but you’ll find yourself nodding along from time to time and you’ll be under pressure not to go along with his passion for his subjects. I do hope he’s ok though, you don’t like to hear of a lad alone and under pressure like he seemed to be over the Christmas.


We’re all sick of covid but he is totally over the top. Seems deranged.

The Looney Left LIDTF LADS (LLLL) seem to only have sympathy for the abstract idea of mental health.


I sent him a tenner. Good piece.


I love Ewan. Hes not afraid to speak his mind and shoot from the hip. People these days aren’t able for that.

Pay the piper.

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Threw him a few pence tbf


I don’t like Ewan but he’s mentally ill and often correct so I feel sorry for him.

He should experiment with the paid podcast route, he might find success.

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Life is full of wankers. Indeed it could be argued that we are all wankers to some degree or another. I thought it was a good piece, easily identifiable and worth a tenner. It is important to look past the person and judge an article or opinion piece on its merits. His takedown of Matt Cooper and McConkey yesterday was refreshing and garnered a lot of attention. I dont give a shite if he supports rangers, hates rugby, loves darts so long as him and people like him keep raising a mirror to the zeitgeist of today.


Era he maybe right here but he’s deranged. Him leading the charge for the open things up crowd isn’t good as he’s easily dismissed as a liar and head banger.

Like this is the fella that claimed Shane Lowry is facist. He’s nuts.

He mentioned on Twitter a couple weeks ago that he spent Christmas alone which made me wonder was he on the outs with the wife. I’d say he’s had a rough old year. Even more than most.

I didn’t think it was a great article… He covered a lot of ground but was a bit all over the place. I gave him a tenner anyway becuase it seems like he needs it and he is good entertainment

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