Post Ewan McKenna

Maybe she was just gone back to Brazil for the Xmas

Bullet points

That’s grand but back in March Ewan was screaming murderer at everybody that stepped out side their doors. It’s a pity he couldn’t stay level headed when a bit of pressure came on.


That is a badminded snide post tracksuit.

Your mask is slipping lately.

I have no time for EMK after certain personal digs at certain Dublin GAA people . He seems very angry here and makes some fair enough points .

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Hit the nail ont he head with this paragraph

'Sadly that debate was never allowed, shouted down by the smugness of that modern liberal.

The sort who campaigned for equal rights for homosexuals but now thinks those out of work should not be allowed return as they sit at home on full pay; the sort that demand others take a vaccine but are all about my-body-my-choice when it comes to abortion; the sort that think an elderly and sick person dying with Covid was because of Covid, but that same vaccine killing an elderly and sick person was because they were sick; the sort that think they can go without a holiday or a meal and that’s the end of it as if these industries don’t keep people fed and housed and are just there for their pleasure; the sort that think their gastro pub in the city was open, so all of rural Ireland must’ve been sinking pints; the sort so caring for the aged that they speak for them without ever speaking to them.’

He’s not in a good spot, in all seriousness he should teach English over there when those schools reopen, it’d bring great interaction for him and a few different perspectives and he can write away in his spare time. I’d say trying to write a book or even articles is very hard mentally especially if funds are tight and you’ve no release, like a match to go to or a packed pub.


If he is not making a living how is he surviving in Portugal?

Few good points in there but the usual rambling incoherent disjointed writing. His pieces always remind me of a secondary school student. Completely biased towards his point of view with not even a semblance of balance or nuance. Totally exaggerating and cherry picking facts and quotes on both sides of whatever argument he’s making.


In fairness no one knew what was going on in March. But the evidence is clear now that covid has been a massive over reaction. No we are stuck with politicians and doctors doubling down on those claims to keep power

Wasn’t bad now the 3/4 I read of it, lost concentration with yet another *** whinge *** thereafter.

I stand with Ewan

Thats a very taking few paragraphs, he wouldn’t have needed much more than that.

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I don’t know how anyone could read or listen to Ewan after what he said about Jim Gavin.

I’m surprised you could hear or read it from where you spend most of your time

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Ryan’s of Camden Street?

Ewan is a really poor writer which is a bit of a setback for a journalist.

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What other qualities do you need to be a journalist? Would you see many of these qualities on show on rte or in the newspapers?

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I’d admire him forgoing money for his principles in fairness.

Who is a good journalist in your opinion?

If lads want things to open up you need a Vincent Browne type leading the charge. Ewan Mackenna is doing the cause no good.

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