Post Ewan McKenna

I think his twitter persona might be a bigger damage to his career than any pandemic and lockdown .

He tends to piss on his chips


If we’re waiting on either we’re in bother

Waiting on any of the current journalists is a bit like the manager turning around to the bench throwing his eyes up to heaven knowing none of these cunts are worth a wank.

Ewan although being fat, slow and overweight is our only hope of scoring a goal to rescue the day.

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Ewan Ewan Ewan

The LITDF wankers are sickening hypocrites and he nailed them to the mast there. He’s a better writer than the chap from ballygobackwards who eulogises stick fighting and wants everyone to be locked inside indefinitely because he’s afrerd his elderly relatives might get sick and he’ll be left a bachelor for his remaining days. You know the fella who made up stories about riding a thousand women during an internet argument. @Malarkey

Doesn’t seem to have held back many of the journalists operating in Ireland.

I was surprised Ewan never mentioned his father’s big pension off RTE.


What relevance has that ??? & I am no fan of EMK

Bizarre to be hounding somebody over something their parents did.

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why, hes not one of the RTE illuminati who gets a job because their only discernible skill is to share DNA with someone who worked in RTE

see Tubridy R, Ryan L, Bouchier Hayes P. Mcsavage D, Philbin Bowman J, Dunne E et al

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This is it for me. Like him or loathe him, he seems to burn every bridge he can. Journalists need to graft like fuck these days if they’re not on permanent staff of a paper/rte. He decided to go live in Brazil while trying to stay relevant in Ireland. You’d want to have excellent contacts and stay close to them for that to work for you. Instead he went the route of going on Twitter to abuse people and shout. He then shouted further when the calls stopped coming. He feels he is owed a living here and cant take any sort of personal responsibility for his own choices.
I also think he’d benefit greatly from an editor. His articles can be decent but often spill over into nastiness that takes away from the piece. It’s easy enough to dismiss the lad screaming abuse from the corner of the pub. That’s what has happened to Ewan, it seems.


And his mother’s pension. His brother’s current salary. His cousin’s healthcare plan… The cunt should disclose all this.


You are correct.

Ewan doesn’t play the game and deserves respect for that.

Journalists are abhorrent and sell their soul.


So he should have stayed cosy with people in power and wrote the ‘right’ type of articles in order to be published?

Some of what you say it correct he definitely could do with editing but the rest is exactly what’s wrong with journalism in Ireland and rte.

He had plenty of controversial articles published …he wasnt cut adrift for being a truth teller , he was lashing out abusing people on Twitter …that surely affected his work …even on Twitter I found it unbelievable how he could make the most cogent opening point and then get dragged down a rabbit hole into a vitriolic exchange so far from his original point…


That’s not what I’m saying. He’s a freelancer. It’s a fucking tough life with no job security. Don’t piss off the people you work for by being an arsehole. Especially if you want them to keep employing you when you go to live abroad. It’s actually an unbelievable sense of entitlement from him. As if there isnt a bunch of young journalists working hard to get stuff printed.
There’s plenty of room for contrarian journalists, in fact a good one is probably more sought after than normal journalists. Dunphy, Myers, Ian Doherty… they sell papers.

Have you ever read the replies to his tweets about Dublin’s overfunding. And you were only looking for my definition of vapid morons.

But true he has no business engaging idiots, because there’s a never ending supply on twitter, one says something, Ewan answers, then they disappear but are replaced by another asking the same question.

But he’s attacking those journalists, often validly. Totally different to just being contrarian or controversial for the sake of it and that’s what puts him in hot water. There’s probably no other possible outcome but he’s sticking to his beliefs not just writing clickbait.

Ewan is quite obviously a bit of a nutter and I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve rolled my eyes at something he’s written but I’ll give him one thing. He has his principles. Whether you agree with them or not. And his refusal to overlook them has probably cost him a handy media gig in Ireland. In comparison to celebrity Twitter journalists like Gavan Reilly and Richard Chambers who have probably not asked NPHET or the Government a tough question in the past year and just regurgitate whatever is shat out in front of them. Both will no doubt follow the traditional journalist to Government spin doctor route in the near future.


They are a personification of what’s wrong with official Ireland. Cosy, inside the tent, beloved by nuala.

Ewan tries to slay too may dragons at once. And he has punched below the belt a few times. But he’s fearless. He should forget about Ireland almost, he’ll never get the straight answers or honest governance he wants to see. He could in another country but he has the emigrants guilt over leaving I think.

The calling out of Dublin’s funding, entirely valid and undefeated yet, definitely included a few over the top digs. That’s why a few on here and in the media, not to mention the great unwashed, can’t view him objectively.