Post Ewan McKenna

Ewan got too close to uncovering the truth about Dublin GAA and they buried him.

Let this be a lesson to you all.

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A FFG loving, racist snob and proud defender of Garda brutality getting his knickers in a twist about ‘cosy official Ireland’. Fascinating to watch so it is.


@Bisto if you were looking for an example of a vapid moron, here’s one with a neat little ribbon on.

Let’s take his brain-dead points on, see has he any valid ones to make

FFG loving - they are useless really, as I’ve said many times when I’ve bemoaned the lack of a real opposition, but they are miles more decent and capable than the utter scum in SF who have duped idiots like you with promises of magic beans. But you can’t see that.

Racist - fire up a few examples to back it up

Defender of Garda brutality- fire up a few examples of this brutality and where I supported it.

I said it at the time of the election and I’ll reiterate it, you are what’s wrong with Ireland. A useless moron who can’t think independently or cant question anything just follows what twitter tells him to. You shouldn’t be allowed vote. But as you do and your number is growing,while people willing to question the narrative aren’t, Ireland is on a death spiral.

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No reply from @binkybarnes, maybe he got confused about what he remembered, like that time he was sure there was 50 people sleeping homeless around a five a side pitch in raheny when there was actually 72 total in all of Dublin. But he was sure yanno, jaysus.

Scum, sorry salt, of the earth type.

There’s working hard and then there’s working with integrity.

Most journalists don’t know the meaning of the word integrity.


Splendid self awareness :rofl:

Ewan taking no prisoners here.

If he has integrity why does he end up deleting half his tweets? Surely a fella with integrity could stand behind his own opinions?


I did some chuckling when lads claim he has integrity.

He often makes stuff about somebody he dislikes.

He’s a complete fraud.

Truth, didn’t he preditct 6 weeks of snow there shortly after Christmas?


Two reasons

He clearly is a hot head and a bit unstable at times, rising to rows and slights, the problem with twitter is that is too easy to fire out an opinion in split seconds, because (point 2)

What’s said on twitter is now held against someone forever. If people can’t argue a point made, they just go back to a tweet, often irrelevant to the debate, and say look, look at this, everything this person says can be disregarded because of it, really because I can’t argue with the point he made right now.


He should delete twitter if he wants to be taken seriously.

He’s speaking well here

You’re second point is fair enough there. But look at your first! Why would anyone employ an unstable hothead who has been out of the country for years? It honestly baffles me.

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Would the time you referred to another posters wife as a ‘gook’ count as an example of your racism?

Wow. Ewan on the Niall Boylan show. He’s finally managed to smash that glass ceiling.


Why is being out of the country a huge bar? I’m sure he talks to people in Ireland daily and watches the same news and reads the same media as if he lived in athy.

There’s been plenty of writers and journalists who were hotheads and unpleasant but made enough valid points that they did fine (and their true nature’s somewhat hidden) If twitter existed they wouldn’t have but do you not see the problem in holding tweets against someone forever. Have you never said anything you regretted. I’m sure you’re happy it was let pass, as it would in adult conversation

Is she Asian? Nope. So I wasn’t referring to anyone, and it was in the middle of a bit of sniping.

We’re having a good debate about Ewan here, you clearly have nothing to contribute, could you not keep quiet, or just restrict your posts to a bit of likebait like you usually do, you’re not adding anything.

Fucking sickening shit when you see ubercunts like Reynolds, Williams and Lee pulling down 6 figure salaries, at your expense, when a truth Sayer like Ewan is reduced to begging for a few quid on patreon.

I know who I’d rather give my money to