Post Ewan McKenna

Yeah I saw that. I think that would be pretty much in line with most companies. Certainly mine. Although I don’t think we have ever had a case of long term sick leave. I wonder will they send the lads up to the airport when the Hungarians come over to pick the fruit again during the summer.

Fair play to you, what reactions do you get?

I think Portugal is different from Canada, the time zone factor is huge and is minimal on the continent compared to Pacific time let’s say. I’m not sure you have to be socialising around lesson street to have your finger on the pulse in fact being removed from that is probably a help in showing impartiality?

You say he’s pissed people off and therefore can’t get work but that there’s no conspiracy against him, that doesn’t really tally. I don’t think writing is the same as other freelance jobs as you dont need to be on site and be actually known to do it well.

His problem is the Irish market is very small, while there is an appetite for his contrarian standpoint, he’s not going to make a living out of it day by day like he might in the UK or US. But, he’s just writing what he believes in at the end of the day, that’s why he should keep the bills paid elsewhere, allowing him to do so.

They seemed to have perks way in excess of your average public sector worker


This is exactly what I think.

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You can’t answer a simple question about how sexuality is deemed normal or abnormal.

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Bemused, mostly! Usually the person didn’t place half the import on it I did or they’ve forgotten completely about it. It does wonders for my own head, literally expelling the incident from my bad thoughts.

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Queers - normal
Paedos - not normal.

What scientific model did you use?

This one


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You want all the unseen staff taken to point too? Sound engineers, camera operators, makeup artists, stylists etc?

Send Ewan a message on Twitter there.

As I said. You have no valid opinions around here.

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Not sure why folk criticise him having an opinion on Ireland while not living there. What about all the soccerball journalists in Ireland covering the “premier league” or whatever it’s called… or worse again, covering American “football”.

Ewan holds a mirror up to lads and their lives, and loves. Some lads cant hack that. They dont have the zen to look into their own souls.

He’s extremely active on Twitter tbf.

cc @Copper_pipe



:smile: :brendan:

Interesting interview but Ewan stated Spain was fully open last summer. That’s surely not true?

Currently going at it with ex English hooker Brian Moore. Ewan’s basically a cunt, a nasty one at that too


He’s a serial cunt but that’s not his worst characteristic tbf. It’s sense of self entitlement dripping from the cunt which makes him far more cuntish.

His plea for monetary support whilst fucking his industry under a bus in his blog beggars belief really

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