Post Ewan McKenna

It is people who answer polls are morons. I say the OIUTF is much larger

I’d say a lot of people are OIUTF but are afraid of being called granny killers.The mood in the general population has definitely shifted big time.The failed school teacher and failed GP are leading us round in circles and people are fed up of it.

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Was talking to a sister of mine last night. Her son is a teacher and daughter a nurse. She was LIDTF but she has changed to a tentative OIUTF. Concerned at the speed of the vaccine roll out.


Of course it is… Anyone from 18-30 would be strongly OIU. 31-50 would be around 60/40 OIU. The rest of em, over 50s, the demographic who predominantly have mortgages paid off or retired and are more vulnerable will obviously be far more cautious… You’d still pick up 30% here I’d say.


Ah he’s wrong far too often though. It would help his cause if he was less adamant when he was guessing.

He had a bizarre rant at the Irish Book Awards a few months back for excluding him for being based in Portugal which was just completely wrong and demonstrated his inability to read properly.

He made a fool of himself on the Second Captains thing recently. Calling out the wrong guy and just bring so precious. Though he apologised since in fairness.

And he went mad about mandatory testing for arrivals from Brazil which was just stupid. It was personal because of his connections and even still he had completely misunderstood the rules in Brazil and went off on a long rant based on extrapolation from one experience.

A little humility would go a long way for him. Being adamant on everything when you’re just guessing is childish.


I genuinely haven’t talked to one single person during this who would be strong LIDTF. Except my parents in their 70s. Ive met nobody who’s not absolutely delighted schools are going back for instance.

Agreed… He shoots himself in the foot with his attitude. If he could moderate his ego or arrogance he’d do a lot better for himself.

By far his biggest problem is his ego. It leaves him with a huge chip on his shoulder that he’s not getting the credit he feels he’s due. He’s very similar to an 80s 90s dunphy in that way (see podcasts thread for example). It wins him fans but means he makes a cunt of himself an awful lot of the time and most people don’t take him seriously.
Normally wouldn’t be one for going on about a lads father as a stick to beat him but it’s a funny one that where dunphys anger and bitterness as he admits himself came a lot from being an outsider and his working class background ewans aul lad was a producer in rte which is about as insider a job you can get in media. The vitriolic way he attacks class in rugby for eg you’d imagine he grew up in sheriff Street.


Ewan made a good point that was mentioned here, you can’t be against lockdown etc without being put in the same category as GOD. Dismissing people like that is disgraceful as most people are far from right wing opinions so they are silently complying

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Yup on the money, and of those groups who are ffgs voter base. Have a listen to David McWilliams podcast, the last one before Christmas it breaks this down. He had a pollsters on who broke down the LIDTF and OIUTF opinions based on age and political support. Also includes opinions on Holohan and where that aligns with political opinions. Basically 60% are either happy with goverment approach and Holohan or fully support Holohan and unhappy with goverment for not going far enough. This 60% would fall into the ffg voter base

I think that’s a fair point.
And likewise you can be for lockdown or some level of restrictions without being a patsy for an authoritarian state. And Ewan isn’t doing as good a job on recognising that point. Which is surprising given how pro lockdown he was less than a year ago.

And opinions can change and I wouldn’t knock him for that because at least he’s thinking on the matter. But when someone swings from being zero covid we need a much stricter lockdown to the other extreme then you wonder if they’re seeing any of the nuanced middle ground on their way past.

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Yeah that’s a massive element, trump too. Most I’ve talked to say in kind of hushed tones. ‘I’m not one of these Gemma o Doherty trump types but.’

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I have an issue rightly or wrongly with this latest rant by Ewan. I fully accept that he has as much right as the rest if us to have his point of view. However it stinks of absolute hypocrisy to be sitting at his lap top in Portugal and fire scuds at us on an almost hourly basis at this stage. Hes not living here. He doesn’t have to go through it here. I have no idea how they’re handling things on Portugal nor do I particularly care to be honest. But I reckon if the Portuguese started to tell us what we’re doing wrong and criticised us from a bunker in Lisbon every second day, there would be plenty of posts on this forum telling them to fuck off and mind their own business. I know very little about Ewan and my only knowledge of his writings is what I’ve read on this thread tbh. That being said, noone should pay him any heed until hes having his rant from a bunker in Athy somewhere.


That’s it most people see the middle ground and there is people supporting lockdown from valid reasons they might be vulnerable or live with vulnerable people. Thats perfectly understandable and when discussing lockdowns there is no need to play the man unless you know thir circumstances. I find people my age that are supporting hard lockdowns mainly arent in that category and jump on any movement to look like they are part of a solution or use the mantra to boost a personal profile, but I know they are full of shit. I am open to people having valid reasons but a balanced discussion is not happening on a national scale in media

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I can’t take to him after his nasty personalised dig at Pat Gilroy the night Gilroy was on the Sunday Game last year .


Trump was an absolute gobshit but he did some positive things. By God you can’t use that in a discussion. Remember he banned travel with China. If we did that now twitter will be mass celebration. Covid has been completely taking over by politics

Until you move to Limerick from Kilkenny you can fuck off giving your opinions on the Limerick hurlers.


Any chance of a balanced discussion went out the window after Christmas. If you want to take it at face value, they were advised by nphet to take a certain course if action. However due to public pressures , fear whatever way you want to term it, they took the wrong road. After the explosion of cases in January, you can e damn sure Tony had his rant and martin and the lads were backed into a corner. So much so now that I’d say they ring Tony to ask permission to go for a piss


And so, the tail wags the dog.

If I was to draw comparisons (and I would) between Ewan and Gemma it would not centre on their attitudes to lockdown