Post Ewan McKenna

There a lot of people who could follow this advice, most of them are on twitter.

Well said. Conversely that’s why my oscillation from zero covid to OIUTF every few days gives me authority and credibility.


Some here too

Tis a sad day :disappointed:

He researches his stuff thoroughly :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ewan will be the man to right ireland yet, much and all as it disgusts me given he’s a Kildare Cunt

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If he wants a presidency nomination I’m sure the open minded Laois County Council will oblige.

Pot. Kettle. Turkish.

They (official ireland) have silenced Ewan.

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Shur Gemma got one :man_shrugging:

A focused and motivated ewan will be a dangerous adversary

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Who are the ‘they’ he references above?


Them…over there. The other crowd.

I’m surprised his twitter pic hasn’t made it onto the people who look slow thread here.

'Wasn’t my fault teacher, the bold boys made me do it! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Fire it up there quick, there’s a nice post to be gotten out of it from the jacks.

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I wouldn’t have the heart to do it to his pooch. The pooch doesn’t deserve it

Is Ewan even allowed run for election here if he’s living in Portugal?

Didnt stop the boys locked up abroad back in 1918 anyway.