Post Ewan McKenna

I think Ewan is a bollocks lads. I thought his Covid article was correct but badly written.

He sounds like a mentaller when he’s going along well enough and then he says it’s like RTE are spreading an STD to their viewers. It reminds me of the old Stewart Lee standup sketch where he said Channel 4 was like a syphilitic old man, except Stewart Lee was taking the piss and knew it was funny because it was so over the top. Ewan thinks that’s a normal thing to say. He’s right about NPHET but a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I hope he starts a podcast and makes himself a decent bit of coin.

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He’s a podcast for the past 12 months or so, well he had up to last December I think, The Black Eye?

About time. Was ruining himself getting dragged into back and forths with the morons who had no more argument than ‘shurrup will yis’

He appears to be in a more zen place.

Ah yes. This world was never meant for one as beautiful as Ewan.

Even when he’s zen’ing hes still managing to wind up some lads. Ewan’s got it.

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Ewans: “8 Mile” moment.
Lays it all bare. Great read.


That’s atrociously bad. Me, me, me. And he’s still a Kildare cunt.


Admittedly the autobiographical bits are indeed all about him, but the rest is spot on. Louise byrne and bolsonaro had that coming. Good man yourself Ewan.

I particularly liked the bit about Fergas Finley.
Interesting comments on the left liberal classes becoming well illiberal.


What are expecting here exactly? It’s letters from lockdown , not Frost on Sunday.

If you’re not a fan don’t read.

So only read what I’m a fan of?

Sometimes you read/listen to/look at various media even though you know it’s probably going to be terrible so you can satisfy yourself that’s the case.

He’s a dreadful writer.

He’s a former sports writer of the year pal


You’ll read … but most sane people will recognize after one or two reads that it’s not for them… very odd for people to keep coming back to read something they know they’ll hate before they even read it. By all means check in once every six months but you’ll be on here next week giving it the same reviews.

Is he? Surprised he never mentioned it


What’s the “tube to Nunhill” after Ewan’s night on the tiles at Copper Face Jacks

I’d say Ewan 100% supported Rangers just to annoy people.

Michael Darragh McCauley is a former footballer of the year.

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So is Roy Curtis. And Tom Humphries.


A lot of disrespect for Irish sports journalism on display here

Some collection of ghouls

That’s excellent. And I usually think he’s a cunt and a terrible writer.

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