Post Ewan McKenna

If you think these opinions might be even slightly problematic, you’re a sneering, woke, intolerant, metropolitan liberal ELITE out of touch with the REAL PEOPLE.

She’d want to gway for herself. She is just grasping for relevance here and any kind of platform. Funny none of these views aired for the 15 or 16 odd years she was on TV.

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It’s sad to see these kinds of breakdowns played out in public. People will pile in on her now and next week will be on a high horse about mental health. Hopefully she has a friend or two who can help her.


Whatever about a breakdown being played out in public, it really is absolutely nailing your colours to the mast for the whole world to see how fucking stupid and dangerous you are.

Although it’s hard to know if people like these actually mean what they are saying either and just get addicted to the few likes.


Is she legit having a breakdown? I thought she is just looking for a spot in the right wing media. If it’s legit I wish her the best, saw the pay of government advisors on this the other day, would drive anybody to a breakdown with the list of names.

That was my thought, that she wasn’t sincere and was trying to get a bit of notoriety. Trying to think how she’d monetise that though.

A friend of mine worked with her at TV3 for years. Said she was as nice as you could meet. He can’t figure out what the hell has happened to her.

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Ewan could do quite well as a competitor for Gemma. Her brand is now considered toxic in the Irish far-right movement, Ewan might have a bit of extra reach with the young male voters who are their natural constituency.

Ewan has big drawbacks as a far right politician though. Firstly, you might laugh at this but I’d say he’s too decent a character. I dont think he hates blacks or foreigners which is the very first requirement. He might not have the commitment to run a steady blog. His natural original hoke is on the left and he would have too much conscience and be too self-aware to really hammer hoke the far-right blog posts. The real money in the far-right comes from the US and he’s not the right personality to develop and maintain those relationships.

Johnny Arse is very well placed to take over the far-right from Gemma but cunt as he might be I think he’s too clever and analytical to be a genuine racist and he’s also not angry enough, not poor or desperate enough to really be bothered.


Maybe ewan isn’t far right at all and is just a very mouthy argumentative attention seeking cunt who thinks the whole covid thing has been overblown and that ‘woke’ people are annoying.

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I don’t think lads know what far right means any more. It’s just thrown around now if somebody articulates a contrarian perspective.


The far-right and far-left draw their support from the same disaffected anti-establishment types. Look at all the people who championed Gemma for president, Broadsheet, the Tortoise Shack lads, Mick Caul, Sinn Fein etc


Ignoring Ewan is the greatest slight that could be bestowed on him.

But as a wise man posting here says, Irish Twitter is an nawful place.

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It’s hard to articulate the difference between far left and far right alright.

Christ above, what a load of bollocks that post is.

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Made more sense than any of the brown nosing you’ve done on here.

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A neighbour of mine who, in fairness is a lovely lady, warned me about 5G the other day. Said I was going to get a serious amount of it at the airport. She recommended silver lined pyjamas inside my clothes.

I can hear her praying through the door to her flat.


Next time you’re talking to her, ask her if she has a microwave oven in her kitchen.

Better call Saul style?


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For full disclosure, I’m not actually sure O’Loughlin wrote that, it may have been a commenter on one of her social media pages. It’s a screenshot not taken by me.

But I highly doubt there would have been much push back from O’Loughlin against the opinions, even if she did not write them.

Same as Ewan doesn’t push back against crazy opinions by his followers, even if they’re bots or trolls. Any ally is an ally when you’re desperate.

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