Post Ewan McKenna

She probably moved back to Shannon

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Lads are blaming covid for everything is hilarious.

While I was stuck at home for the last 12 months and couldn’t do anything else I didn’t do any work


It will go on for years. Court reports in 2030 “accused suffers mental health issues resulting from the covid 19 pandemic”. Will be some excuse like 9/11 was for the yanks in 00s

I’m not sure what your trying to say here in relation to this post?

14 months. I’m pretty sure Ewan has being doing things to keep occupied in that time - well - at least doing things to keep his liver occupied.

It was nice of him to throw in an instruction to read the first line. Always helps to read the first line when you’re reading something.

Sadly I doubt I’ll get around to reading his article. Trauma from the pandemic.

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it’s not about you, don’t worry

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I’m a bit lost tbh.

With covid nearly finished Ewan has jumped on the housing bandwagon.

The psycologists/wellness/mental health industrial complex will be milking Covid/lockdown for years to come

I dunno this Indian variant could fuck everything up

They’re already tailoring the message to capture different pieces of the market and tweaking offerings to suit. Some going for the corporate buck (do you need to revisit how your company operates post-COVID 19?), others targeting individuals en masse or a specific demographic whether it be based on sex/gender/age/weight/hobbies etc.

I saw a good one last week about Post Pandemic Leadership. To succeed in this new era, you need to be:

  1. a strategic executor,
  2. a humble hero,
  3. a tech-savvy humanist (good at shooting the breeze on zoom?),
  4. a traditioned innovator (is traditioned a word?),
  5. a high-integrity politician, and finally
  6. a globally-minded localist.
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What’s the difference between a globally minded localist and a locally minded globalist?

Think it was on the Hard Shoulder last night but there was a lad on saying “we’ve been through 12 months of lockdown/C-19, it takes 1.5 to 2 times that period of time to get over it.”

Go down to your local and have a few pints lad, you’ll be right as rain.


Legalising cannabis could be a game changer here

are you sure he didn’t say it take 1.5 to 2 minutes to get over it?

I nearly crashed the car listening to it. MTFU and get on with it.

Ewan hit this fellaa zinger

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He got zinged right back by some no mark

JohnyG is no no mark