Post Ewan McKenna

I’d prefer ambrose bierce

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More like studying actual portraits of a lady if your past endeavors are any indicator

I’ve stated a number of times that I don’t believe Ewan’s politics are on the right at alll,
He’s most definitely attracted them though and if you read the threads following his posts you’ll find lots of right wing labels as twitter handles, try it some time, look into the bios of some of his most passionate supporters,
It’s not his fault, he’s helpless, they’ve hijacked lots of anti lockdown stuff, it’s why there’s trouble at some of the protests.
My dislike of Ewan is for his incredibly confrontational syyle of posting, and his intolerance of what he doesn’t agree with, ordinary people doing ordinary things in extraordinary situations, he’s an oddball.

I find it hilarious that I’ve been labelled a Woke Warrior here repeatedly in the last few days, jaysus I’m the most inoffensive fecker you’d ever meet :grinning:

Being very slightly liberal in outlook doesn’t count as woke unless you have a massive axe to grind with liberal society


Some backtrack that


Being a gowl. Like you.

You are so witty.

One day you will grow up and be one of my toenails.

One day you will stay away from the top shelf and take the first steps to addressing your anger issues.

Those days are over.

The Golden Bowl.


You have an extraordinary capacity for self humiliation.

You could make money out of it.

That novel is more Tipperary territory from what I recall !

You have lost me…

Maybe I’m wrong- thought it was the one where the father is intrigued with his own daughters sex life !

Correct. But I do not have a daughter…

cc @Copper_pipe

There’s all sorts of stuff here. Christmas hampers, Ambrose James, @Malarkey’s magnus opium, woke vs far right and GBD.
That’s all fine and well but if Ewan doesn’t publish his photos he’s quite finished as a serious poster on tfk


Good to hear your feeling better mate

6 (six) day headache! He’d want to be getting an MRI scan.

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Good man Ewan



Any idea what Ewan said?