Post your favourite meltdowns over President Trump's victory

@anon7035031 when he first joined here was quickly regarded as a top contributor, that dissipated among the majority (some of us stayed on side) during the election when a few screaming mullallys were calling his election predictions off the wall and that he was out of touch with reality, but he has been comprehensively vindicated in recent days and should be very proud to have stuck to his guns against the ridicule from some doubters. He rightfully has his place now as one of the top, top posters on this site (unlike that weirdo who constantly self describes himself a top, top poster. Bustyourballs I think he goes by, I don’t remember).


@anon7035031 is in charge here.

He fairly sent that busted flush @Sidney home with his tea in a mug anyway.


He truly is our new overlord.

He shot his e-load all over @sidney.


Just to be clear…did Labane not give Trump next to no chance before the election as well?

He was more right than most but I still don’t think he predicted a Trump win

he never wavered, he never flinched, he never blinked


He said many times he thought Trump would win and a few dopes laughed him out of the building. Fellas standing behind printers in Oireland who think they understand America better than someone living there.


you couldn’t make itup

I know he said at times he thought he would won but by the end was he not thinking clinton would do it

Is @Sidney still posting here?

He was going to retire his user alias if Trump was elected President of the United States of America :us:

he’s a beaten docket

@Tassotti Is there asomething much groaning across the pond as there is over here?

The Guardian are losing their minds

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Donald Trump is a friend of the UK, he loves us, he’s grandmother is Scottish


Correct, I predicted a Clinton win before the election. I honestly didn’t think he could pull it off, given all the negatives against him, much of it self inflicted. I was as shocked as anyone on Tuesday as the evening unfolded, and blue state after blue state flipped to red. At the end of the day, people who vote Republican or lean Republican held their noses and voted for him, and she couldn’t get enough of the Democratic vote out in the battleground states.

When all the hysteria dies down and the screamers have had their 15 minutes of fame, reality will set in. This election was always about the economy, and specifically the economy in the states outside the North East and the West coast. After 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama, working people (of all demographics) living in those states are earning the same or less than they were 16 years ago, and their expenses have skyrocketed, especially health care and education for their kids. Fundamentally they didn’t believe Hillary could or would do anything to improve that situation, and frankly there was nothing she said in the campaign that suggested otherwise.


Top poster alright. I don’t agree with much of what you say but you paddle your own canoe, unlike the edgy sheep circle jerk club.


@anon7035031 was the real hero of this election and by a country mile provided the most astute, insightful and thought provoking analysis. He might have wavered a bit amidst the forces that were lined up against us and the attempts by Crooked Hillary and her associates to rig it.

i reckon I can lay claim to the most blinded faith in President Trump to pull it off. I nearly wavered myself even in the face of relentless campaign against him. As late as last Saturday I had doubts and even on Tuesday with those early exit polls from @Sidney. Ultimately I never lost faith in our man and I just knew he’d find a way to pull it off. I doubt I would have had the level of faith I had in President Trump without all that insightful analysis from @anon7035031.

[[quote=“GeoffreyBoycott, post:3631, topic:19437”]
These are early morning tallies and would naturally be skewed heavily in favour of the Democrats. Our people will be hard at work and are more likely to turn out later in the day. Democrats are mostly crusties and layabouts who don’t work and would be in a position to go the polling station in the morning. I can recall gleeful outpourings from the other side in 2004 when exit polling data showed John Kerry winning, yet when raw numbers were released their faces were soon longer than the aforementioned John Kerry as George Walker sailed home


@anon7035031 is the most astute political commentator on USA politics, he remanded me of my unwavering stance on Brexit