Post your favourite meltdowns over President Trump's victory

The over-reaction by some (most) people is fucking bizarre. I understand Americans are extremely pompous, and believe everything revolves around them but what the fuck is the explanation from everyone else?




To be fair, if you were an American liberal or of a leftist bent or even just had a modicum of self awareness I would imagine that having a TV personality like Trump as your president would be pretty embarrassing. Remember most people were laughing at even the remote possibility that this could happen until recently.

The overreaction in this country is a bit mad alright.

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the need to patronise from behind a keyboard is rife in modern society. its rampant here especially with the like of @Watch_The_Break sneering at Trumps interior decor taste as if thats relevant to something or other and the like of @Sidney who spends his life campaigning online for the little guy until its a little guy whose personality he doesn’t like.
the same people who spend so much energy on the online war to liberate shitholes in middle eastern deserts and allow the citizins of those shitholes simple democracy are outraged now that Americans exercise democracy.
the people of America have decided they want Donald Trump as their president. we should respect that and stop patronising a hundred million people in a first world country, they have a better idea of what they might need or want youd imagine than any section of irish society



trump will be a grand president.
he wont be rounding up the paddies and the mexicans and the spics and fucking them out over the border.
he wont be inviting the kkk to the white house.
he wont be grabbing any women by the pussy, unless they ask.
he will entice US companies back to the us.
he will try and stop the flow of jobs and taxs out of the us.
he will try and stop the influx of criminals and illegals into his country. i doubt he’ll build a physical wall but he will implement something that tightens the borders.
he will tighten security on islamic terrorists in his country.
he’ll be grand.


he could be better than Ronald Regan, the last great American President

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bawling crying :joy:

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Todays Indo is a keeper- Thanks to Pat McDonagh for providing me with copy.

This guy is a bit special

Forum favourite Billy Keane wasn’t to be outdone but his article isn’t online yet.


If Hillary had the throne that post would be just as poignant. The country is that split

The paper of record is having a complete meltdown.
Those Americans have no idea what they’ve done to the Irish Times writing staff. No idea.

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holy fuck,
i mean jesus




28 likes, plenty mysogynist sympathisers on this board.

Say you have a daughter Kev, you think it’s sound to explain to her that a man who says he will walk up to her and grab her by the pussy and no one will do anything because he’s a star is president. So your daughter should be ok with a man walking up and grabbing her by the pussy if he is a star because “you don’t always win or get what you want.”

You see nothing problematic with the example that sets? And you sign off with “stupid bitches”?

I hope you grow the fuck up before a daughter of your own ever arrives along.




Fucking hell.


