US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

@Tierneevin1979 is this a genuine concern

Absolutely. If there isnā€™t a conclusive winner on Tuesday night Iā€™d expect things to go tits up.


Similar to the Green party canvassers in the NOGRA heartlands. Aginā€™ the slope and the wind.

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@HBV knew.

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President Trump has done a great job really, considering the evil forces he had lined up against him. Booming economy, peace deals everywhere, softening up North Korea, jobs for all and strengthening the courts with some fair minded judges, not activists. Unreal actually. Enjoy your retirement Don.


Heā€™s not gone yet.

Nothing in his Presidency. Became him like the leaving it.

Trump sent those migrants packing with Taequila in their mug

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Trump needs to kickstart this bad boy again

If he concedes it will finally be the day he becomes president.

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Whatā€™s done is done and cannot be undone. For to go back would be as tedious as to go forward

Ffs mike. Weā€™ve already been over this

I was thinking of youd be on when I posted it but fuck it, I did it anyway and dont feel one bit guilty. So there

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The word is Trump is finally willing to face the music. And I donā€™t mean the village people

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His tweet would suggest so

Looks like President O Bidens landslide victory finally registered, Trump was never the brightest bulb in the room, we knew it would take a some time in fairness

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