Premier League 2021-2022 (the Footix thread)

I think you mean Allah.

Allah’n Shearer.

Shearer of hands.

Awkward The Simpsons GIF

Harry Kane to Newcastle Utd in the January transfer window. You heard it here first :wink:

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The Newcastle fan punching a horse would have to be in there.

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The Saudis will have to fund a new series of Auf Wiedersehen Pet now as an advertisement for their country. Instead of a hut on a cold German building site, the lads stay in palatial splendour in Riyadh, and by now they’ve given up alcohol, so they don’t even miss the oul’ Newcastle Brown Ale.

It’ll be fucking shit.

Going to be tough for Liverpool going forward to compete with City, Chelsea, Utd and Newcastle with the yanks spending nothing.

Good one :rofl:

Wor MBS will have to make a guest appearance in Byker Grove.

That’s why THIS MEANS MORE for Liverpool.

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The western world has gorged on Saudi oil for near on a century and they talk over a soccer team and Tommy gets all biscuit arsed upset

Gas cunt


The Brits have killed more people with tyranny than any other regime in history.

They’ve wiped out races


We’ve been spoilt with Jurgen Klopp at the helm. We’re under no illusions as to the task that awaits us when he eventually moves on around 2024. Could easily revert back to the 2011-2015 days of being top 6/8 rather than top 4. The appointment after Klopp will be vital. Hopefully he stays longer than anticipated even.

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You always see posts like this when some tyrant or other increases their power or anything happens to drive humanity deeper into the immoral, corrupt, corporate fascist dystopian hellhole we’re already hurtling headlong towards.

It’s the sort of “logic” tyrants love. That no sort of progressive change or prevention of that corporate fascist dystopia can or should ever happen because to do so would be “hypocrisy”.

You once watched a match on Sky, so to object to the Super League would be “hypocrisy”.

You once rode in a car which used petrol, which probably came from Saudi Arabia, so therefore if you object to a barbaric regime using an English football club as an international reputation laundering vehicle, you’re a “hypocrite”.

You once wore a pair of runners which were made in China, so therefore any objection to Chinese genocide against the Uighurs is “hypocrisy”.

Shite like that.

Louise Mensch “logic”.

It’s almost like the internet was designed as a fiendish tool for free societies to eat themselves through terminal, mind numbing cynicism, dressed as the avoidance of “hypocrisy” or “consistency”, so the way is left clear for demagogues and tyrants to rule the roost.


You must have missed school the days they were giving the history lessons on Hitler and the Gas Chambers, Stalin and the Gulags and Chairman Mao and the Cultural Revolution.

Lovely whataboutery there

They stood alone in 1940 against the most evil regime that ever existed. A regime so evil that 18 year old typists are being prosecuted 78 years later for typing a letter and not taking a bullet to the head.

I assume Gary Neville has gone off on one over this Saudi takeover.

Is that definite? China and Russia/USSR have some huge numbers put up

The reality here is that western governments have for decades gouged on Saudi oil & have sold them arms. It has also used that cesspit state as a counterbalance agains Iran and Shia in ME geopolitical rivalry .

The idea that the British government should stop them buying a soccer club from Mike Ashley is fanciful