Premier League 2021-2022 (the Footix thread)

Now Fat Mike has a few quid in his pocket we can expect Cork GAA to reap the rewards. Won’t even need any more concerts in the Pairc.

Of course they have! And was this a good thing?

The idea that this British government would is certainly fanciful. This British government is corrupt as fuck and has made Britain the dirty money centre of the world.

It would take a British government who actually had a serious moral backbone to do anything.

There might have been an outside chance a Corbyn government might have tried to do something about it but the entire Labour party under him were deliberately tarred as anti-Semitic by the right-wing British media bullshit machine in order to prevent any chance of any progressive change whatsoever.

So any opposition is left to civil society, and civil society opposition will achieve the square root of fuck all, especially when supporters of the club in question as prepared to act as cheerleaders for a despotic regime because they think buying a few league titles with blood money is more important than having a fucking basic conscience.

the empire has been doing it hundreds of years, including in China. War, Famine and genocide. But yeah, give out about Saudi’s doing it as if they’re fucking angels (not you)

It sounds like you support the Saudi takeover of Newcastle?

Because the British Empire was bad?

That seems a very silly rationale.

What the British Empire in the 19th and 20th century has to do with the Saudi regime in 2021 is beyond me

I don’t give a fuck about the takeover, more power to Newcastle and the Saudis. I’m pointing out the holier than thou hypocrisy of the British wankers opposed to it


“Civil society “ in the main won’t give a fiddlers fuck. People have problems closer to home to worry them .

“Consistency” or something like that.

See, you could go on and on with this nonsense “logic”.

You could say, based on this “logic”, that English players should not be able to complain about being the victims of racist taunts if they go to Bulgaria or Hungary, because there is racism in England too.

But that’s the sort of “argument” only a fucking moron would make.

How many did they kill in Afghanistan in Blairs makey uppy war?

England basher @EstebanSexface is a big supporter of the Abu Dhabi owned Manchester City.


You hate the state you live in and support the GAA, life is full of contradictions

No, what you’re doing is you’re using the exact “logic” tyrants everywhere love to see used. Bad thing X existed or exists in one country, so therefore nobody should oppose bad thing Y that happens in that country, or any country.

It’s Richard Keys “logic” when he shills for Qatar. It’s Putinist regime logic.

I don’t know. Its irrelevant. The people who are opposed to the Saudi takeover are the same people that were opposed to the invasion of Afghanistan. Its not EDL types that are complaining about the Saudis


The story here is that for near on a century the west has enriched Saudi Arabia ( a ducking cesspit) by gouging in oil and sold them munitions .

The horse has bolted in regard to stopping them buying a football club

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The people the Brits kill is irrelevant and the people the Saudis kill are relevant?

The same people who vilify Muslims on behalf of a reactionary right wing Brexiteer agenda will be largely the same sort of people who cheerlead the Saudi regime on behalf of Newcastle.

It’s the exact same thing that’s been happening with Manchester City for years now.

“What’s so bad about systematic oppression of women anyway!?”

For what it’s worth I wouldn’t be mad about this takeover either. No nation has completely clean hands when it comes to these matters but I feel the Saudis are particularly bad offenders.

This appears to be the nation of Saudi Arabia (repackaged enough to get by the premier league ownership rules but not so much that they can still use it as a form of sportwashing) buying a team to have some fun in the money fight that is the EPL. I dont think the Brits should stop it (that train has sailed) but it’s perfectly reasonable to not be delighted about it

Will the Saudi’s kill all the gays an oppress women in Newcastle?

It’s the Saudi government taking over Newcastle, not the British government so yes the British Empire is irrelevant to this conversation

Are you drunk?

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