Premier League 2021-2022 (the Footix thread)

It’s really only Spurs at this stage that are holding out and staying true to their roots, owned by two local Jewish lads, Chairman Levy and Joe Lewis.

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No. Does it have to happen in Newcastle before it matters?

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does it really matter to you? You’ll get pissy because they’re in the news and be upset about them pumping billions into Britain.

In reality you don’t give two fucks either way and it’s a bad case of virtue signaling going on

The identity of the clubs involved is irrelevant. The concept of despotic regimes using clubs and general sport, be it Newcastle or Manchester City or PSG or Barcelona or whoever as reputation laundering vehicles is insidious.

It’s little different to what the Kinahans are doing with boxing.

And the main consequences lie outside sport.

What it is is the normalisation of international criminality and despotism.

Flaunting impunity.

Still holding out hope with blue half of Manchester?

You forgot to name check Chelsea there who pretty much started it all. Spot on otherwise.

Are you drunk?

It seems the cancer of internet-driven terminal cynicism has now reached the stage where anybody who has any sort of moral backbone in them whatsoever is now dismissed as a “virtue signaller”.

That’s the road to actual tyranny.

Your posts here are like listening to Russia Today.

I dont care, probably not as much as I should. I said I wasn’t mad about the deal and said nothing about it being stopped. If that’s “getting pissy” then I guess I’m pissy. It’s the first time I’ve ever been accused of virtue signalling on here though.

I really dislike the Saudi regime. They treat people abhorrently and then buy their way out of trouble. And they do it not by engaging in shady business practices or not paying enough tax etc, but by killing those who oppose them. So I’m happy enough not to be over the moon about them buying a football club

Chelsea are as bad as any of them. Russian oligarchs don’t operate anywhere unless they’re in bed with Putin and his murderous criminal empire.

have you campaigned or contributed to the oppressed in Saudi Arabia?

What is your net value to them bar fighting anonymously on a little forum and showing everyone how right on you are? How every single thing and everybody but you is morally decrepit.

You don’t care about people in Saudi Arabia. You care what people think you think about people in Saudi Arabia

It really is like listening to RT.

How does it feel to be an apologist for despotism?

does being agnostic about the whole fucking thing make you an apologist?
Do you want me to wage an exhausting online battle against nobody and everybody? Just like you.

Calling me those things doesn’t make it true, thinking you’re a humanitarian without leaving your basement doesn’t make it true either.

Exactly. It’s not going to keep me up at night thinking about it and I’m not going to personally do anything about it but I still think it’s a very bad thing to happen for football and it shouldn’t be allowed to happen.

I didn’t do anything about 9/11 either but I was still sad when it happened. If that’s virtue signalling then fair enough

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are you sad when a school in Afghanistan gets levelled by a cluster bomb? Would you think NFL shouldn’t be allowed in Croke park because of it?

You’re not “agnostic” about it.

And this is the sort of thing where given any basic knowledge - which you have - not least as a supporter of another team owned by a very, very dubious regime - one cannot be agnostic.

You are being an apologist for Saudi Arabia. Read your posts back.

Does it not make you even mildly uncomfortable that a regime which systematically oppresses women, has spread an ideology of terror around the world with its oil money, engages in crazy ethnic wars and butchers in plain sight on foreign soil somebody who was mildly critical of that regime, should be allowed to use an English football club and general sport to portray itself as benevolent on the international stage?

Your posts here read like somebody who was an apologist for apartheid back in the day.

You don’t seem to grasp the massive difference between private individuals and a government.

You’d be better off continuing to support Man City and ignoring this element than trying to justify your support like this.


I don’t think you really get the point . The entire western world has dealt commercially with Saudi for decades

Why should they be stopped buying a soccer club on the UK mainland .

When Raheem Sterling got racially abused by a Chelsea supporter, what’s the appropriate reaction?

Is it to say “Sterling plays for Manchester City, a club owned by a despotic regime, whose money Sterling is in receipt of, so he can hardly complain”?

Is that the appropriate reaction?

No, of course it’s not.

What was the appropriate reaction when Glen Kamara of Rangers got racially abused?

Was it to say “Kamara plays for a horrible club with a racist, sectarian element, so he can hardly complain”?

What do you think?

Does it not make you even mildly uncomfortable that you support a football club from a regime that systematically committed genocide and practically wiped out indigenous people across continents, caused war, famine and misery, engaging in ethnic wars around the world. That state now harbors the team you support. And you’re able to disassociate from that, and they’re our neighbors.

Not relevant, a hundred years ago, blah, blah fucking blah