Premier League 2021-2022 (the Footix thread)

Tis hard compete with that level of financial doping. With the depth they have a few injuries wouldn’t even affect them too much.

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Not even 25 gone and 4 up

To even compete with them is an achievement.

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Conte has transformed Spurs. They did well to grab him

Game on here Ger

Best league in world- come on you irons

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Red Rover

19 goals between the 4 games so far

That’s why we English love our great tradition of Boxing Day football. And all these jumped up Johnny Foreigner patronising us that we need to get rid of it.

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Brendan Rogers teams have always been shocking on set pieces

They would be the Johnny foreigners who make up your playing staff, coaches, owners and management?

That hipster Conte seems to have had some impact at Spurs

Big Rom has Mingsy in all sorts here.

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Signing out. :anguished:

Delia will hardly sack Smith before this season ends, will she?

Norwich’s team is so shit 20th would be a good finish for them

Atmosphere is building in the Ratoath Inn.


His goose looks cooked

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8pm closing ???

Exempt. No masks either and no covid cert required.