Premier League 2022/23

Your problem is with the SEC then. Or maybe if Fergie hadn’t annoyed the horsey cunts. Lot of people to blame but the Glaziers are canny businessmen. They saw an opportunity and pounced. You make it sound like they’re Mike Ashley-like, bleeding it dry and not giving managers money to spend.

You got asked a simple question and you can’t answer it.

It’s yes or no.

Can everyone stop posting in the wrong fucking thread.

Can only imagine what it’s like to work with some of you. Attention to detail :no_entry_sign:


No one could find the Arsenal thread

It was pointed out hours ago and nobody gave a fuck then either

I’ll be dishing out infractions shortly.


Would you stay on topic please?!

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Would you not link the appropriate posts with the correct thread?

Easy way out. Imagine working with that

Sorry @briantinnion my mistake

Wtf? :joy:

I’m not sure how recent you are talking but Burnley were bought in a similar deal 2 years ago

Another 18 year old starting in the premier league for the first time for brighton and looking comfortable at the level. They should be studied

Watkins and Diaby doing untold for Villa. Unai has them purring. 5 wins in 7 would be a great start considering the opening day debacle at Newcastle.

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Brighton doing well alright.

Would I be mad to go for The Pool this weekend?
They’re the lowest favourites.

I’d go for forest or man Utd tbh
You wouldn’t know what you’d get with Liverpool at the moment

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No idea but I’d be fair hoping Everton get a result because klopp will have a mental break down over having to play at 12:45


If Coach Klopp didn’t exist lads on here would need to invent him - he permeates their every thought.


Thank god it’s on at 12:30 so. We should be fine


Im predicting a stage ten meltdown